Study of structural and electronic properties of Mg2Sn epitaxial thin film for thermoelectric application | LQMEC Synergy

  • Study of structural and electronic properties of Mg2Sn epitaxial thin film for thermoelectric application
    LQMEC Synergy com Dra. Mariana Saraiva Leão Lima
    24/03, 6ª feira, 15h. [Presencial] Ed. Principal, Sala 3029.
Mg2X (X =Si, Ge, and Sn) are narrow band gap semiconductors and promising low-cost materials for thermoelectric application. However, the thin film performance is lower than bulk material. In this work, we optimize the fabrication process for Mg2Sn epitaxial thin films and achieve higher thin film’s quality by using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Our results suggest
that epitaxial nature is essential for achieving high mobility. Furthermore, we found that Ga incorporation influences the carrier concentration and acts as a phonon-scattering center. The optimal power factor and figure of merit values obtained were 1.49 x 10−3 W ·m−1 ·K−1 and 0.08 at 300 K for Mg2Sn0.97Ga0.03. The values are in the same range as the bulk material of Mg-based II–IV semiconductors, suggesting that the combination of doping and epitaxial nature in thin films can be a promising route for the miniaturization of thermoelectric devices based on Mg-based materials.
Prof. Julio Larrea:
Profª Valentina Martelli:
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Data do Evento: 
24/03/2023 - 15:00
Data de Término: 
24/03/2023 - 16:00

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