Improvement of DLC Properties by PECVD Technique and CVD Diamond Single Crystal for Many Application

Improvement of DLC Properties by PECVD Technique and CVD Diamond Single Crystal for Many Application

Palestrante: Vladimir Jesus Trava Airoldi (INPE)

Data e Local: 16/04, 6ª feira, 14h. Via Google Stream.


DLC films, as a protective coatings, have been in evidence by scientific and technological studies due to their superior properties such as: low coefficient of friction, high chemical inertness, high hardness, high wear resistance, biocompatibility, bactericide, etc.. However, a big challenge concerning residual stress, hardness and adhesion on different metallic and nonmetallic surfaces need to be overcome. Doping process of different atoms and molecules and, also, the incorporation of nano particles seems to be one way in order to get an important improvement of DLC properties. In this presentation a Pulsed DC PECVD technique modified with the addition of a cathode with the function of promoting confinement of electrons and ions in a cold plasma discharge will discussed, so that, DLC Films with atom, molecules and nano particles incorporated became easily to be obtained. Characterization, for example, by using RBS, PIXE, etc., techniques have an interesting scientific and technological appeal. Also, in this presentation, we will present how to get single crystal CVD Diamond by using a MWCVD techniques. In this case these nuclear techniques of characterization will be particularly important in order to find impurities, doping, dislocations, etc., in its structure.

Sobre o evento

Seminário promovido pelo grupo representante do Laboratório de Análise de Materiais por Feixes Iônicos do IFUSP (LAMFI-IFUSP).


Data do Evento: 
16/04/2021 - 14:00
Data de Término: 
16/04/2021 - 15:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP