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An Introduction to the Classical Reaction Force Field ReaxFF | Semin. GFMM

Data do Evento: 
18/08/2023 - 14:00
Data de Término: 
18/08/2023 - 15:30
  • An Introduction to the Classical Reaction Force Field ReaxFF
    Seminário do Grupo de Física Molecular e Modelagem (FGE) com o doutorando Emanuel Fernandes Dias Mancio
    18/08, 6ª feira, 14h. Ed. Principal, sala 2061.
Chemical reactions play a pivotal role in numerous applications, ranging from catalysis to material design, necessitating an in-depth understanding of reaction mechanisms. The Reactive Force Field (ReaxFF) is a powerful computational tool that bridges the gap between quantum mechanics and classical molecular dynamics. This presentation introduces ReaxFF, a force field capable of simulating complex reaction pathways and providing valuable insights into reaction kinetics and thermodynamics, delving into the fundamental principles and potential applications.
►ACESSE AQUI a lista completa com os próximos seminários do grupo de Física Molecular e Modelagem.


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