Journal Club do DFMT


Nesta semana o pós-graduando, Robinson Franco Alvarez, do Grupo Teórico de Materiais, apresentará o artigo: “Wettability Effect on Nanoconfined Water Flow” - Keliu Wua,1, Zhangxin Chena,1, Jing Ligb , Xiangfang Lib , Jinze Xua , and Xiaohu Donga,b

Dia: 31 de maio, quarta-feira, às 12h10.

Local: Sala de Seminários José Roberto Leite Ed. Alessandro Volta (bloco C) – Sala 110, IFUSP.

Resumo da palestra:

Understanding and controlling the flow of water confined in nanopores has tremendous implications in theoretical studies and industrial applications. Here, we propose a simple model for the confined water flow based on the concept of effective slip, which is a linear sum of true slip, depending on a contact angle, and apparent slip, caused by a spatial variation of the confined water viscosity as a function of wettability as well as the nanopore dimension. Results from this model show that the flow capacity of confined water is 10-1∼107 times that calculated by the no-slip Hagen–Poiseuille equation for nanopores with various contact angles and dimensions, in agreement with the majority of 53 different study cases from the literature. This work further sheds light on a controversy over an increase or decrease in flow capacity from molecular dynamics simulations and experiments.

Data do Evento: 
31/05/2017 - 12:15 até 14:00
Data de Término: 
31/05/2017 - 12:15

Desenvolvido por IFUSP