Colóquio MAP com o Prof. Mostafa Admy (INRIA – França)


“Bifurcations and traveling waves in an age-structured reaction-diffusion system of cell dynamics”

Prof. Mostafa Admy (INRIA – França)

Dia: 09 de junho, sexta-feira, Auditório Antonio Gilioli, Sala 247/262, Bloco A, IMEUSP, das 16 às 17h, Café às 15h30, na sala 265 A (Chefia do MAP).

Transmissão online:

Resumo da palestra:

Here cell population dynamics in which each cell can be either in a proliferating or in a quiescent phase is considered. The resulting model is an age-structured reaction-diffusion system. The method of characteristics reduces this model to a coupled reaction-diffusion equation and difference equation. The solution behavior depends on the choice of the non-linearity and the parameters.

We study two important cases:

1) The stability analysis of the unique positive steady state and the existence of a Hopf bifurcation which allow the determination of a stability area, which is related to a delay-dependent characteristic equation.

2) The existence and stability of traveling wave fronts connecting the zero steady state with the unique positive one.

Data do Evento: 
09/06/2017 - 16:00 até 17:00
Data de Término: 
09/06/2017 - 16:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP