Seminário do Grupo de Física Estatística

Seminário do Grupo de Física Estatística

"Statistical Physics of Complex Networks"

Prof. Dr. Masayuki Hase, EACH-USP

Dia: 08 de junho, quinta-feira, às 14h30

Local: Sala 201, Ala I, Sala de Seminários, IFUSP.

Resumo da palestra:

The networks of complex systems, which comprise many instances from different fields, usually exhibit heterogeneous structures different from the traditional regular architectures like Bravais lattices or complete graphs. Nevertheless, as a system of many interacting bodies, statistical physics developed into the natural language in the investigation of these so-called complex networks. The later, then, has been benefited from the application and/or adaptation of many classical techniques and results, and, in particular, nonequilibrum statistical physics has become a common tool to analyze the dynamics of networks. As an illustration, the problem of monitoring the structure of a network with time will be discussed. Concretely, the analysis of the dynamical degree distribution is formulated as a path integral, which is the sum of all possible trajectories between two degree states. In this context, the time evolution of degree can be mapped into a performance of a random walk in a (bounded) degree space, and the relevance of the first-passage problem is examined.

Data do Evento: 
08/06/2017 - 14:30 até 16:30
Data de Término: 
08/06/2017 - 14:30

Desenvolvido por IFUSP