Seminário do Grupo de Hádrons e Física Teórica

Seminário do Grupo de Hádrons e Física Teórica - FEP

“Dark Matter: new challenges, new avenues”

Prof. Enrico Bertuzzo, IFUSP

Dia: 29 de agosto, terça-feira, às 17h.

Local: Edifício Principal Ala 2, sala 335.


As is well known, the nature of Dark Matter is still a mystery. In this talk I will present the current status of the Dark Matter searches and present possible future directions. In particular, I will focus on what will happen once (and if) the neutrino floor will be reached and how to extend the Dark Matter searches for masses in the MeV region.

Data do Evento: 
29/08/2017 - 17:00 até 19:00
Data de Término: 
29/08/2017 - 17:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP