Colóquio do IFUSP com o Prof. Adam Cunha

Colóquio do IFUSP

"New methods and technology in medical physics: the impact on the students"

Data:quinta-feira, 14 Setembro, 2017 - 16:00

Palestrante: Prof. Adam Cunha - University of California

Local: Auditório Abrahão de Moraes - IFUSP

Evento gratuito, sem necessidade de inscrição prévia

The training of medical physicists is necessarily dynamic.  With noticeable changes in clinical technology notably significant after 10 years if not 5.  The necessary knowledge for newly-trained physicists to be effective and safe in a clinical environment grows with constantly-evolving technology and treatment methods.  The training of medical physicists in the United States had been relatively stagnant, but in 2012 new requirements were implemented that significantly changed the path from collage to clinical practice.  This talk will discuss these changes and their impact on students, educators, and clinicians. An overview of the current state of medical physics education in the United States will presented with a special focus on the impact for international (non-U.S.) students interested in training in the United States. 


Dr. Cunha received a Ph.D. in experimental particle physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara. His thesis work was done as a member of the BaBar collaboration based at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in Palo Alto, CA. He continued his experimental particle physics research with a post-doctoral position at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York working on code development for the ATLAS detector. New in the Medical Physics field and excited about the opportunity of working at UCSF, Dr. Cunha is confident that his experience in hardware and software development will quickly be beneficial to the group. His main research will be focused on additional developments with Inverse Planning Techniques related to HDR (High Dose Rate Brachytherapy). 

Palavras-chaves: Física Médica, educação, prática clínica 

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Data do Evento: 
14/09/2017 - 16:00 até 18:00
Data de Término: 
14/09/2017 - 16:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP