Workshop "WORKNANO 2019" (21 e 22.02.19)

WORKNANO 2019 "Materials science addressed with modern analytical and theoretical methods " (21-22/02/2019).

The workshop WorkNano2019 will be held at the Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil from 21st to 22nd of February of 2019.

State-of-the-art applications regarding nanomaterials science will be addressed, either from experimental and theoretical approaches. Worldwide key researchers will participate in this Workshop, enabling and intense scientific environment in the nanotechnology research field.

The workshop webpage is :

The registration is free of charge. See instructions in the event webpage.

If you have any problem, doubt, etc, contact


Prof. Dr. Cristiano Luis Pinto de Oliveira, USP
Dr. Lionel Gamarra, Albert Einstein Hospital


Adma Jafet Auditorium
Institute of Physics  USP
São Paulo, SP, Brazil


Prof. Alioscka Sousa, UNIFESP
Prof. Antonio MF Neto, USP
Dr. Cristiane B. Rodella, LNLS
Prof. Danilo Mustafa, USP
Prof. Eduardo Mendez,  UdelaR
Prof. Emerson R. Silva, UNIFESP
Prof. Italo Mazali, UNICAMP
Prof. Leandro Socolovsky, UTN FRSC
Prof. Luiz Eleno, USP
Prof. Marcia Fantini USP
Prof. Maria H. Petrilli, USP
Prof. Martha S. Ribeiro, IPEN
Dr. Oleg Prymak, UDE
Prof. Reinhard B. Neder, UEN
Dr. Tulio, CR Rocha, LNLS
Dr. Ulf Wiedwald, UDE
Prof. Valmor R. Mastelaro, USP
Prof Valmir Chitta, USP
Prof. Wendel Alves, UFABC


Topics Covered:

Material science, inorganic materials, biomaterials, theoretical and simulation methods, PDF, advanced experimental methods, SAXS, XRD, advanced modeling and simulation procedures, nanostructured materials, synthesis methods, medical and diagnostic applications.


Information and Registration:


Prof. Dr. Cristiano Luis Pinto de Oliveira
Livre Docente

Grupo de Fluidos Complexos (Complex Fluids Group)
Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo
caixa postal 66318
05314-970, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
phone: +55+11+30917164
fax:       +55+11+30916771

Data do Evento: 
21/02/2019 - 08:00 até 22/02/2019 - 19:30
Data de Término: 
22/02/2019 - 19:30

Desenvolvido por IFUSP