Workshop in honor of Prof. Dr. Iberê Luiz Caldas

Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the next 1st Perspectives on Oscillation Control (POC 2019), it is a pleasure to invite you to participate as a speaker of the event.

1st POC 2019 will be held a workshop during two days, November 7-8, 2019, in Institute of Physics at University of São Paulo. POC will be a workshop about dynamic behaviour and interdisciplinary applications. The workshop will honor Professor Dr. Iberê Luiz Caldas, he is one among the pioneers in Nonlinear Dynamics and Physics of Plasma.

Unfortunately, due to an absolute shortage of funds, we will not be able to support your participation. However, if you cannot participate, you may contribute to the conference schedule by sending us a recorded talk, using smartphones or other computer resources, up to 10 minutes. The recorded contributions will be presented collectively in a special session devoted to this issue. We acknowledge in advance your attention and look forward to having your recorded contribution soon.

At this stage, we would appreciate if you could reply to our offer as soon as possible so that we can advertise your participation in the conference’s website (we are not requiring a title for your talk yet).

Yours sincerely,

Organising Committee

Details will be on the webpage:
Email information:
Data do Evento: 
07/11/2019 - 08:00
Data de Término: 
08/11/2019 - 18:00

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