Electron-phonon Coupling in CuSb2O6

Electron-phonon Coupling in CuSb2O6

Palestrante: Damaris T. Maimone (Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, Switzerland)

Data e Local: 04/08, 3ª feira, 17h. Seminário via Google Meet. Sala ifuspspecsces_seminar.


The coupling between electronic and phononic degrees of freedom gives rise to remarkable exotic phenomena in condensed matter, such as superconductivity and colossal magnetoresistance. These intertwined ground states may also have mixed lattice and electronic excitations. The well-known Jahn-Teller effect on transition metal ions is an example of orbital-lattice coupling mechanism. Since the energy scales of the electronic splitting of eg levels do not match the phononic energy scale, usually these excitations do not directly mix. In this study, we reported evidence for lowenergy orbital dynamics that strongly interact with phonons in a so-far unexplored first order type of electron-phonon interaction [1]. In addition, lattice dynamical calculations reveal that the observed anomalous phonon frequency shifts only occur for phonon modes with participation of the apical oxygen [2]. This confirms the magnetic correlations along the Cu-O-O-Cu as well as the origin of the one dimensional magnetic correlations observed in CuSb2O6.

Reference papers: [1] D. T. Maimone, e at, Phys. Rev. B 97, 174415 (2018) [2] ] D. T. Maimone, et al, Phys Rev. B 17, 104304 (2018)".

Sobre o evento

Seminário do Departamento de Física Aplicada. Àqueles que não tiverem e-mail institucional USP, favor contactar o professor Fernando Garcia pelo e-mail fgarcia@if.usp.br.


Data do Evento: 
04/08/2020 - 17:00
Data de Término: 
04/08/2020 - 18:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP