Our library originated in the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, Languages and Literature, where there was a Department of  Physics library, and this

old library turned into the Library of the Institute of Physics .

With the financial support granted since 1967 by BNDES - National Bank for Economic and Social Development, and later by FINEP - Research and Project

Funding Agency, and in 1971, with the addition of the General Physics section of the Polytechnic School Library, turned into the best collection in the field

of physics and related areas in Brazil.

The opening of the new library in 1975 has allowed greater contact with books and existing works and, consequently, an increase in library loans and consultations.

In 1977, a pioneering program to automate technical data services was implemented. With the establishment of SIBi in 1981, a new era in library services began.

Integration and System were the new Service-to-user philosophy.

Continuing the service automation process, in 1992, the software CDS / ISIS (Computerized Documentation System / Integrated Set of Information System)

distributed by UNESCO was implemented, adopting the methodology developed by BIREME LILACS - Regional Medical Library.

In 1994, the SBI joined the Antares Network as a service provider. Since the Dec/04/1995 IF Ordinance, with the establishment of the Institute of Physics Library - SBI has had its activities advised.

With the integration of SBI services to the British Library Supply Center in 1996, the interlibrary loan service was internationally extended. In the same period,

the SBI Home page project was started and the first access to the first electronic journals was made.

Also in 1996, Ordinance IF-52 of 21/Nov/1996 provided the regulation of SBI / IFUSP, and established a cooperative agreement with the CIN / CNEN -

Nuclear Information Center and the National Commission of Nuclear Energy.

Under the request of IFUSP Dean, a Technical Library Evaluation was made. Based on the recommendations and considerations presented in the Evaluation

Report, the SBI directed its activities towards enhancing services.

With funds granted by the FAPESP Infrastructure Project, in 1998, SBI conducted the renovation and expansion of its facilities modernizing its installations.

In 1999, the international services were expanded with the Stanford Library,   ISTEC / Prebios – Ibero American Science and Technology Education Consortium

of the University of New Mexico, USA and Bireme/SCAD services agreement. Following the USP goals of internationalization, in 2008, the website in English was created.

Since its foundation, the Physics Institute Library has worked to improve its collections, services and professional training. Our library is considered one of the

most important Physics collections in the country.

To learn about the library, our numbers and specific information see our 2011 Report.


Providing bibliographic information and library resources to serve as a support to teaching and research to  IFUSP faculty and students, along with special services,

according users’ needs.
Respecting its constraints, it also serves external users, organizations and other information systems.

We have a specialized collection in the areas of physics and related sciences.
                 Type of material                                                        Quantity
                 Books                                                                           42,948
                 Theses                                                                           5,144
                 Periodicals (issues)                                                142,828
                 Multimedia                                                                     595
                 Brochures and handouts                                                409
                 IFUSP Publications                                                       1,650

For further information about library loans, see the Rules Page.


§          Location and Opening Hours

§          Contact

§          Loan nd Polices



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