Jiajun Zhang

Título : 
The Chinese New Telescopes
Resumo : 
Title: The Chinese New Telescopes Abstract: With the development of Chinese economy, China has made great progress in science and technology. Astronomy, as one subject of the basic sciences, has obtained great support from Chinese community and the government. Therefore, there have been many new telescopes built. China has also paricipated in many international collaboration efforts for astronomy, BINGO in Paraiba, is also a good example. In this talk, I will introduce the Chinese new telesopes, currently built or will be built in the near future. You will find the great embition of China. Ps: international collaboration is highly welcome! my bio: Jiajun Zhang is a professor from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He got his PhD from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2017, and joined Shanghai Astronomical Observatory as an professor in 2021. He has published more than 30 SCI papers. He has rich experience in cosmology, large scale structure and radio astronomy. He has participated in the work for Chinese Space Station Telescope, Square Kilometer Array, Hongmeng lunar orbit radio telescope and especially, BINGO.
Sala 2061 Sala de Seminários do DFGE as 14:00h

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