Improved Petrophysical Evaluation of a Sandstone Reservoir using NMR. A case study, Onshore Kuwait

O Departamento de Geofísica do Observatório Nacional promove hoje mais um seminário online sobre o tema "Improved Petrophysical Evaluation of a Sandstone Reservoir using NMR. A case study, Onshore Kuwait" com o palestrante Dr. Pedro A. Romero Rojas

Por: ON. Acesse aqui mais informações sobre o evento.

The effect of mud filtrate and eventually fine migrations in high quality rocks considerably influence the reading of NMR and conventional logs. It poses a challenge in extracting useful information that can contribute to the petrophysical evaluation of the virgin zone, e.g. the rock quality index. This is critical for determining the permeability index and the saturation exponent n, required for accurate determination of the water saturation. Saiba mais...

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