Departamento de Física - UFPE | XV Simpósio de Lasers e suas aplicações

XV Simpósio de Lasers e suas aplicaçõesThe Symposium of Lasers and its Applications is an annual scientific event promoted by OPTICA Student Chapter-Recife, dedicated to the exposition of ideas and discussions among researchers, professors, students, and professionals interested in the field of Optics. Our main objective is to disseminate the latest techniques involving the use of lasers and their applications in the fields of Physics, Medicine, Communication, among others.
Por: Departamento de Física - UFPE. 
Acesse aqui mais informações sobre o evento.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the OPTICA Student Chapter-Recife, and the 15th edition of the symposium will feature lectures by renowned researchers from foreign and national institutions, highly qualified in the current scenario of Physics. Additionally, there will be visits to research laboratories and presentations of the work developed by students in a poster session. Saiba mais...

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