Seminary - "Numerical Investigation of Hyperbolic Dynamical Structures in the Spatial Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem",

Data do Evento: 
sexta-feira, 15 Fevereiro, 2019 - 14:00 até sábado, 16 Fevereiro, 2019 - 15:45

O grupo Controle de Oscilações tem a satisfação em convidá-los para o seminário:

Profa. Priscilla Andressa de Sousa Silva -   Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus Experimental São João da Boa Vista.

Data: 15 de fevereiro de 2019 (sexta-feira)
Horário: 14:00 horas
Local: IFUSP - Edifício Basílio Jafet - Sala 105.

Abstract: In this talk, we will explore the invariant structures which account for long term confinement in the around the triangular equilibrium points of the Spatial Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem. In particular, we will show the role played by several codimension-one manifolds in the determination of the sharp stability  boundaries around L4 and L5. Moreover, we will present techniques for detection, analysis and continuation of these high-dimension invariant structures and briefly discuss the potential application of hyperbolic solutions in space missions design, astrodynamics and celestial mechanics.


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