SEMINÁRIO DO GRUPO DE FÍSICA ESTATÍSTICA: "Lindblad Dynamics of a Single Spherical Spin"

Sascha S. Wald - Doutorando da Université de Lorraine, Nancy, França
Data do Seminário: 
25/11/2015 - 14:30
Sala 201 - Ed. Principal - Ala I
The coherent quantum dynamics of a single bosonic spin variable, subject to a constraint derived from the quantum spherical model of a ferromagnet, and coupled to an external heat bath, is studied through the Lindblad equation for the reduced density matrix. Closed systems of equations of motion for several quantum observables are derived and solved exactly. The relationship to the single-mode Dicke model from quantum optics is discussed. The analysis of the interplay of the quantum fluctuation and the dissipation and their influence on the relaxation of the time-dependent magnetisation leads to the distinction of qualitatively different regimes of weak and strong quantum couplings. Considering the model’s behaviour in an external field as a simple mean-field approximation of the dynamics of a quantum spherical ferromagnet, the magnetic phase diagram appears to be reentrant and presents a quantum analogue of well-established classical examples of fluctuation-induced order.

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