Minicurso de ARPES com o prof. Claude Monney - Université de Fribourg
Aulas das 10 as 12 (sala 2003) e das 14 as 16 (sala 2009).
Programa do minicurso.
Monday June 24:
Basics of ARPES: The first lecture of the week is devoted to the
basics of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), which is
the most employed technique to access the momentum-resolved electronic
structure of materials. We will learn how the photoelectric effect is
used to perform photoemission spectroscopy. We will also learn how to
take advantage of the conservation of momentum to perform ARPES.
Tuesday June 25:
The spectral function in ARPES: This lecture will introduce the
concept of the spectral function in photoemission. We will learn under
which conditions we can model photoemission with the spectral function
and will derive together relevant formulas. We will then see what
information about many body physics is encoded in the spectral function.
Wednesday June 26:
The spectral function in ARPES 2: This lecture is a follow-up of the
previous one. We will study famous examples from the scientific
literature to illustrate how ARPES can access many body effects in
correlated materials and how it can be modelled through the spectral
function. Typically we will discuss together the effect of
electron-phonon coupling or electron-electron interactions in ARPES.
Thursday June 27:
Basics of RIXS: This lecture is devoted to the basics of resonant
inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS). RIXS is a powerful and versatile
x-ray spectroscopy. We will derive together the Kramers-Heisenberg
formula describing RIXS using second-order perturbation theory. We
will then discuss how a RIXS experiment is planned in practice, taking
advantage of the absorption edge of relevant ions in materials and of
the scattering geometry.
Friday June 28:
RIXS on correlated materials: In the last 10 years, the development of
the RIXS technique and its application to correlated materials
followed a steady and impressive development. We will illustrate this
with examples from the scientific literature and discuss them in
details. We show how RIXS can measure crystal field excitations,
magnetic excitations or interband electron-hole excitations. We will
discuss how one can take advantage of the RIXS cross-section to
discriminate between these different excitations.