Brazil :
Prof. Nemitala Added, IFUSP, Laboratory for Material Analysis with Ion Beams (LAMFI).
Prof. Nilberto Helder Medina, IFUSP, Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Group.
Prof. Christoph Friedrich Deneke, Unicamp, Institute of Physics.
Prof. Pierre-Louis de Assis, Unicamp, Device Research Laboratory (LPD).
Prof. Cesar Bof Buffon, LNNano, Functional Devices and Systems (DSF).
Davi Henrique Starnini de Camargo, LNNano, Functional Devices and Systems (DSF).
Prof. Argemiro Soares da Silva Sobrinho, ITA, Plasmas and Processes Laboratory (LPP).
Prof. Douglas Marcelo Gonçalves Leite, ITA, Plasmas and Processes Laboratory (LPP).
Dr. André Luis de Jesus Pereira, ITA, Plasmas and Processes Laboratory (LPP).
Prof. Angelo Passaro, IEAv, Virtual Engineering Laboratory (LEV).
Dr. Roberto Yuji Tanaka, IEAv, Virtual Engineering Laboratory (LEV).
Prof. Gustavo Soares Vieira, IEAv, Semiconductor Devices Characterization Laboratory (LCDS).
Prof. Marcio Daldin Teodoro, UFSCar, Physics Department.
Profa. Patrícia Lustosa de Souza, PUC-Rio, Semiconductors Laboratory (LabSem).
Prof. Mauricio Pamplona Pires, UFRJ, Institute of Physics.
Prof. Fernando Massa Fernandes, UERJ, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications,
and website Fermassa.
Prof. Daniel Neves Micha, CEFET/RJ, Theoretical and Experimental Physics Group,
and Google Sites.
International :
Prof. Paul Simmonds, Boise State University, Collaboratory for the Epitaxy of Nanomaterials (CEN).
Prof. Rachel Goldman, University of Michigan, Materials Science and Engineering.
Dr. Marcel Santos Claro, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory.
Prof. Paul M. Koenraad, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics.