Brazilian Workshop on Soft Matter

Soft matter encompasses a wide variety of disparate systems, ranging from polymers and colloids to surfactants, liquid crystals and active biological matter (e.g. bacteria and flocks of birds). The Brazilian Workshop on Soft Matter will bring together experienced students and researchers, and provide a platform for fostering collaboration among members of the soft matter community in Brazil, as well as a forum for discussion of key recent developments in the field. In addition to several research seminars that will be given by outstanding invited speakers, selected participants will have the opportunity to present short talks, and take part in a series of activities at the new Brazilian synchrotron light source (Sirius).
Acesse aqui mais informações sobre o evento.

The first two days of the workshop will take place at IFT-UNESP in the city of São Paulo and the third day at Sirius in the nearby city of Campinas. At Sirius, the activities will consist of a series of presentations, which will be followed by an extensive visit to the experimental stations, also known as beamlines. This experience will allow the students to observe and interact with state-of-the-art scientific equipment at Sirius. Saiba mais...



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