STFC - Brazil collaborative workshops on neutron techniques for materials research

Neutron scattering and imaging are powerful techniques to study the structure and dynamics of materials over broad time- and length-scales, with applications for studies of materials related to energy & net zero, catalysis, polymer systems, drug delivery, functional materials, magnetism, superconductivity and engineering, amongst many others. Thanks to the strong interaction between neutrons and light elements, these techniques are particularly useful for the study of hydrogen-containing materials like pharmaceuticals or lithium-ion conduction in batteries. The magnetic moment of neutrons also makes them uniquely sensitive to magnetism. 
Por: STFC. 
Acesse aqui mais informações sobre o evento.
The first webinar will introduce ISIS Neutron Source and Brazilian funding agencies; the second webinar, hosted by ISIS Staff, will be divided into three broad science areas – Life Science/Soft Matter, Functional Materials, Magnetism/Hard Condensed Matter– and will aim to introduce Brazilian academics unfamiliar with neutron techniques to the underlying principles and applications. These will be followed by another set of three webinars that will provide an opportunity for both experienced and prospective Brazilian neutron users to present their research. It is foreseen that this initial series will start a process that will eventually lead to ISIS beam-time proposal submission in the October 2023 and April 2024 rounds and/or Xpress Access for short experiments to e.g., demonstrate viability ahead of a full proposal. The writing of these beam-time proposals will be supported by ISIS staff, and progress towards obtaining beam-time and new ideas will be discussed at two interim online workshops. Finally, an in-person meeting to discuss initial results and further research plans is foreseen in June 2024. ​ Saiba mais...

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