Seminário do Departamento de Física Nuclear - Palestrante: Alessandro Paccagnella - University of Padova - Hoje, dia 17.12 - às 16 horas, na Sala de Seminários do DFN

Seminário do Departamento de Física Nuclear

Palestrante: Alessandro Paccagnella, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova / Italy.

"Terrestrial and space radiation effects on CMOS electronics: the case of non-volatile memories".

Data e horário: 17/12/2014, às 16h
Local: Sala de Seminários do DFN

USP, 17 December 2014

The main degradation phenomena affecting CMOS devices exposed to ionizing radiation are the total ionizing dose (TID) effects and the single event effects (SEE). TID derives from the accumulation of dielectric trapped charge and Si/oxide interface states, as a consequence of irradiation with many particles with low ionization power, i.e, low linear energy transfer (LET) coefficient. In general TID produces parametric shifts of electrical characteristics (e.g., Vt, gm) of the irradiated devices. SEEs derive from the charge released by a single high-LET ionizing particle, crossing the IC close to a sensitive node. SEEs may give rise to both recoverable soft errors (i.e., bit flip of one or more logic nodes or memory cells) and irreversible hard failures, such as gate oxide breakdown or device burn-out. While TID effects are deterministic, SEEs are stochastic in nature. In this seminar, we’ll present the variety of TID and SEE phenomena occurring in CMOS components exposed to i!
 onizing radiation, and their evolution with Moore’s law. In the last part of the seminar, we’ll focus on the effects affecting non-volatile memories (NVM), which feature the most advanced scaled technologies and even true 3-D integration, leveraging the results obtained during more than 10 years of work in the field by our group. This part will be mainly focused on floating gate NVMs featuring NOR or NAND architectures, including also results for novel memories, such as the phase change ones. Finally, we’ll examine reliability implications, significant for both the terrestrial and the space radiation environments.

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