Colóquio do Departamento de Física Matemática


DIA 04/08/2015 (terça-feira) - 11h - Sala Jayme Tiomno

Título: Massive Neutrinos in Heaven and Earth

Palestrante: Profa. Maria Concepcion Gonzalez Garcia (U. Barcelona & Stony Brook)


The neutrino, the lightest and most weakly interacting particle of the Standard Model has revealed itself as the messenger of the most exciting news of the last decade in particle physics: there is Physics Beyond the Standard Model. All this thanks to the quantum-mechanical phenomenon of flavour oscillations which is intrinsically connected to the question of neutrino mass and which has been observed in: (i) The deficit of neutrinos born in nuclear processes that make the sun shine;(ii) The deficit of neutrinos of produced in the Earth atmosphere by cosmic ray interactions;(iii) The disappearance of neutrinos produced at reactors and accelerators after traveling over hundreds of kilometers.  Neutrinos have also an important role in
Astrophysics and Cosmology as well as in the study of our own planet. In this talk I will present some of these observations which have made of the neutrino a central player in the area of Astroparticles during the last years.

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