Technical staff and Scientific support

Scientific and technical support to LAMFI is provided by researchers of the Institute of Physics and LAMFI's technical staff. They are responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Laboratory as well as for the development of new analytical resources.

Scientific support:

Prof. Manfredo Harri Tabacniks. Head of LAMFI since 1996. Experimental physics on ion beam interactions with matter, and Ion Beam Analysis (PIXE, RBS, ERDA, etc.). CV Lattes:

Prof. Márcia de A. Rizzutto. Principal Investigator of the FAEPAH,  a research group specialized in the analysis of cultural heritage artifats. CV Latttes:

Prof. Nemitala Added. Experimental nuclear physics and Ion Beam Analaysis (PIXE, RBS, ERDA, etc.). Head of the LINAC project, a post accelerator of the 8MV Pelletron accelerator of the Nuclear Physics Department. CV Lattes:

Prof. Tiago Fiorini da Silva. Accelerator physics, experiment and theory on Ion Beam Analysis. Computational  modeling of IBA spectra. Author of the MultiSIMNRA software. CV Lattes:

Prof. Alessio Mangiarotti. Theoretical physics on ion beam interactions with matter. CV Lattes:


Technical staff:

Dr. Cleber Lima Rodrigues. in Nuclear Physics. Development of new analytical resources at LAMFI. Data processing, data analysis and automation. Author of the MultiSIMNRA software. CV Lattes:

Eng. Alisson Rodolfo Leite. Electronic engineer. Maintenace of electronic instrumentation. Design, specification and development of new instrumentation. 

Renan Ferreira de Assis. Automation and maintenance of electro-mechanic devices. Vacuum technology.  Design, specification and development of new instrumentation. 

Marcos Rodrigues Antonio: Accelerator operation. Laboratory maintenance and archiving.