The Laboratory for Material Analysis using Ion Beams of the University of São Paulo (LAMFI-USP) provides atomic-nuclear analyzes of high sensitivity for researchers in Brazil and abroad. LAMFI-USP users may be academic researchers, their students, companies or scientists in general. A complete analysis in LAMFI-USP comprises irradiating the samples and processing the spectra using specialized software. The decision to perform a complete analysis is a choice of the user. The academic use of LAMFI is free of cost but the and term "LAMFI-USP" must be cited in any work or publication using data generated at LAMFI. Despite the exemption, but in the interest of all users, researchers are expected to collaborate voluntarily with the reimbursement of laboratory expenses. Non-academic analysis are charged (rev. 01/01/2017):
Discrete samples (in vacuum or using an external beam):
- Only irradiation of the samples, data recording and internet availability of the spectra: equivalent to U$ 90 per hour or U$ 45 per sample.
- Irradiation and processing of spectra with data analysis and detailed report: equivalent to U$ 180 per hour or U$ 90 per sample.
Elementary imaging by the PIXE method in the external beam (minimum time 1 day)
- Only the irradiation of the samples with data recording and internet availability of the spectra: equivalent to U$ 310/cm2.
- Irradiation and processing of the spectra with generation of pixelized maps: equivalent to U$ 620/cm2.