Exportar 4 resultados:
Filtros: Autor é M Roberto and First Letter Of Title is P [Limpar todos os filtros]
“Plasma confinement in tokamaks with robust torus”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 390, no. 5, pp. 957 - 962, 2011.
(1011.53 KB)
“Particle transport induced by electrostatic wave fluctuations”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 641, p. 012006, 2015.
(1.32 MB)
“Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Large Aspect Ratio Tokamaks”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 2906 - 2912, 2017.
(5.13 MB)
“Plasma Response to Resonant Perturbations at Tokamak Edge”, Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 426 - 432, 2018.
(2.39 MB)