Exportar 4 resultados:
Filtros: Autor é M. V. A. P. HELLER and First Letter Of Title is T [Limpar todos os filtros]
“Tokamak turbulence at the scrape-off layer in TCABR with an ergodic magnetic limiter”, Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 73, no. 03, p. 295, 2007.
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“Turbulence Induced Transport in Tokamaks”, in PLASMA AND FUSION SCIENCE: 16th IAEA Technical Meeting on Research using Small Fusion Devices; XI Latin American Workshop on Plasma PhysicsAIP Conference Proceedings, Mexico City (Mexico), 2006.
(893.58 KB)
“Turbulence and transport in the scrape-off layer TCABR tokamak”, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 669 - 679, 2004.
(184.58 KB)
“Temperature fluctuations and plasma edge turbulence in the Brazilian tokamak TBR”, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 971 - 977, 1996.
(360.02 KB)