Todas Notícias

Studies in quantum magnetics at low temperatures and high magnetic fields that defy classical description

Bose-Einstein condensation occurs when a system of quantum-mechanical particles with integer  spin or angular momentum is cooled to its ground state and forms a coherent state of identical particles. The Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) occurs in systems that satisfy two requirements: bosonic behavior and number conservation. It is this second requirement that limits the prevalence of BEC systems in nature. BECs were first identified in dilute collections of laser-cooled cold atoms in 1995, leading to the Nobel Prize.

Honorable Mention Award in the 20º SIICUSP

DFMT I.C. student Henrique Jose Correia Zanoli received an Honorable Mention Award in the 20º International Scientific Initiation Symposium of USP. The awarded study “Structural and electronic analysis of amino acids by semi-empirical quantum computational methods” was supervised by Profa. Helena M. Petrilli in the NANOMOL group and supported by FAPESP I.C. scholarship.

New family of superconductor materials

By the controlled addition of doping impurities, Prof. Renato Jardim and collaborators from EEL-USP, UNIFEI and UNICAMP developed a new family of superconductors with relatively high critical temperature. In a recent paper, the hexagonal structure stabilization of the Nb5Ge3 compound doped with carbon atoms was reported.

Bortolozo, A. D. et al. Interstitial doping
induced superconductivity at 15.3K in

Science without Borders

In the program for "Special Visiting Researcher", aimed to attract foreign researchers recognized internationally as leadership, DFMT will receive Profs. Jason S. Gardner (Indiana University) and Paul Koenraad (Eindhoven University of Technology). 

Project 1. Geometrically Frustrated Pyrochlore Magnets

II Mário Schenberg Meeting: Half Century of Low Temperatures at USP

The second edition of the MS Meeting (November 21-22) celebrated the 50th anniversary of the LESBT - Laboratório de Estado Sólido e Baixas Temperaturas. The event program was centered in this laboratory history, pioneer in the development of low temperatures in Brazil, and filled by scientific lectures and historical keynotes given by DFMT members and invited speakers.

VSM Installation at DFMT

In the last weeks of January, a vibrating sample magnetometer - VSM was installed in the Laboratory of Magnetic Materials. This equipment, model 7404 from LakesShore is used to characterize the DC magnetic properties of materials as a function of magnetic field, temperature, and time.

Research Highlight from the Superconductivity Group

A neutron diffraction study by Prof. Renato F. Jardim in collaboration with UNICAMP, NIST and the San Diego State University determined the magnetic properties of the Sr2YRuO6 system. The data revealed planar magnetic correlations that condense into a partial long-range ordered state with coupled alternate antiferromagnetic YRuO4 square layers coexisting with the short-range correlations.


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