Topological Defects and Phase Transitions in Two Dimensions

Hoje às 16h o grupo de Física da Matéria Condensada (FMT) da SBF promove o webinário "Topological Defects and Phase Transitions in Two Dimensions"

Por: SBF. Acesse aqui mais informações sobre o evento.

O convidado do dia é o professor J. M. Kosterlitz da Brown University (EUA): "This talk reviews some of the applications of topology and topological defects in phase transitions in two-dimensional systems for which Kosterlitz and Thouless split half the 2016 Physics Nobel Prize. The theoretical predictions and experimental verification in two dimensional superfluids, superconductors and crystals will be reviewed because they provide very convincing quantitative agreement with topological defect theories." Saiba mais...

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