Biophysics Latin America Mini-Course

The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) of the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), will host from September 1-3 the Biophysics Latin America Mini-Course: In-situ SRCD, nano-FTIR and Coherent X-Ray diffraction as new experimental tools for Molecular and Cellular Biophysics.
Por: Comunica IF.

The Mini-course will take place at Sirius located at CNPEM campus, in Campinas-SP, Brazil as a satellite event of the scientific activities of the 46th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Biophysics (SBBf)/Latin American Federation of Biophysical Societies (Lafebs) co-organized with the 51th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SBBq).

Mini-course Format The Biophysics Latin America Mini-Course is supported by the CNPEM, SBBf and IUPAB, and will be focused on three new techniques and beamlines available at the Sirius, the Brazilian synchrotron light source, in the format of classes and hands-on.
Fellowships for 24 selected students and young researchers for travelling and accommodation will be sponsored by IUPAB.

Registrations will be open soon (30 May 2022). Registration fee is not required.

Details can be found at:

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