Two Simons-FAPESP Research Professor Positions

Novo prêmio do ICTP-SAIFR para pesquisas relacionadas com Ondas  Gravitacionais - Portal IFSCThe ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR) announces the opening of two Simons-FAPESP tenure-track research professor positions to begin in 2024, with the first in connections of physics to biology and the second in all other areas related to theoretical physics. The international search committee is chaired by Michael Green (Cambridge) and includes William Bialek (Princeton), Ray Goldstein (Cambridge), Simon Levin (Princeton) and José Nelson Onuchic (Rice) in areas related to biology, and Leticia Cugliandolo (Sorbonne), Scott Dodelson (Carnegie Mellon), Eduardo Fradkin (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and David Gross (KITP) in all other areas.
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Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience, and will include fellowships from both the Simons Foundation and the São Paulo Research Funding Agency (FAPESP). Additional grants are available for research/travel from state and national funding agencies, and the professor can use ICTP-SAIFR funds for graduate students, postdocs and visitors, as well as participate in ICTP-SAIFR exchange agreements with the ICTP Trieste, Perimeter, Princeton-CUNY, KITP, Mainz, CERN, Fermilab, Saclay, Nordita, IFISC and IFT-Madrid.
Although applications will be accepted until the position is filled, candidates are strongly encouraged to apply before January 31, 2024 by filling out the online application form at with a cover letter explaining why they would be a good hire at ICTP-SAIFR, the names of at least 3 researchers who will send recommendation letters, and a curriculum vitae, research project and publication list. Saiba mais...

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