Artigo | Limits on WR from Meson Decays

Dos autores Gustavo F. S. Alves, Chee Sheng Fong, Luighi P. S. Leal e Renata Zukanovich Funchal. 
Publicado em Physical Review Letters.


In this Letter we show that pseudoscalar meson leptonic decay data can be used to set stringent limits on the mass mWR of a right-handed vector boson, such as the one that appears in left-right symmetric models. We have shown that for a heavy neutrino with a mass Mn in the range 50<mN/MeV<1900 one can constraint mWR (4–19)  TeV at 90% CL. This provides the most stringent experimental limits on the WR mass to date for this heavy neutrino mass range.

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