Palestra do Professor Paulo Faria da Veiga (ICMC-USP) - Dia: 02.03 - 13h30 - Auditório Novo I

Colóquio Jorge André Swieca IF-IME

02/03/2015 (segunda-feira), 13h30, Auditório Novo I

Título: Strongly Coupled Lattice QCD: The One-Baryon Spectrum Reviewed.

Prof. Paulo Faria da Veiga (ICMC-USP, São Carlos)

Resumo: We review some rigorous results regarding the one-baryon spectrum for a lattice QCD model in 3+1 dimensions, 3 colors, 3 flavors, 4x4 spin matrices and strong coupling. This is part of a long-term project with Michael O´Carroll and this work is also joint with my PhD student, J.C. Valencia Alvites.   

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