Non-Abelian Quantum Transport and Thermosqueezing Effects

Data de Início: 
quinta-feira, 7 Abril, 2022 - 16:00
Prof. Gabriel Landi, IFUSP
Virtual: acesso via Zoom e YouTube


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Resumo: Transport usually involves energy and particles, quantities which ultimately commute at the quantum mechanical level. Modern quantum experiments, however, provide examples of transport with noncommuting (also called non-Abelian) quantities. In this talk I discuss recent efforts in putting forth a theory of non-Abelian transport in the linear response regime. Our key insight is to use generalized Gibbs ensembles with noncommuting charges as the basic building blocks. In addition, we describe the dynamics in terms of a collision model where small units interact under a new class of strict charge-preserving interactions. We show that the transport coefficients obey Onsager reciprocity. However, we find that quantum coherence, associated with the noncommutativity, acts so as to reduce the net entropy production, when compared to the case of commuting transport. This therefore provides a clear connection between quantum coherent transport and dissipation. As an example, we study the transport of heat and radiation squeezing in bosonic systems, characterizing a set of thermosqueezing coefficients with potential applications in metrology and heat-to-work conversion in the quantum regime.

Sobre o palestrante: Gabriel Landi é Professor do IFUSP desde 2016 e, seu principal interesse de pesquisa está no desenvolvimento da teoria de sistemas quânticos abertos e suas aplicações em termodinâmica quântica e fenômenos de transporte.


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