- Auditório Abrahão de Moraes, no Instituto de Física;
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Resumo: Quantum technologies take advantage of properties developed by quantum systems when driven out of equilibrium. For example, quantum computation is based on an accurate, controlled driving of these systems to perform specific dynamics which produce entanglement, compute basic gates, and eventually leads to the completion of a numerical algorithm. Thermal fluctuations are often an enemy which spoils the controlled out-of-equilibrium dynamics. On the other side, quantum thermodynamics takes advantage of thermal – and quantum – fluctuations to create engines and refrigerators of sizes well below the thermodynamic limit and properties still under discussion. In this talk I will first focus on engineering robust properties for distributed quantum computing using spin-networks [1]: here the twist is {\it not} to drive the out-of-equilibrium dynamics, but let the system Hamiltonian do the job. I will then turn up the temperature, and consider a less-explored aspect of quantum thermodynamics, that is the effects and signatures of many-body interactions on few-electrons’ quantum machines [2].
[1] L. Mortimer et al., Adv. Quantum Technologies 4, 2100013 (2021);
A. H. Alsulami et al., arXiv:2202.02632
[2] K. Zawadzki et al., Phys. Rev. Research 2,033167 (2020); M.
Herrera et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 030602 (2021); G. A. Canella et
al., preprint (2022)
Sobre a palestrante: Irene D’Amico is a Full Professor at the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology (PET) of the University of York, UK and Fellow of the Institute of Physics She is the leader of the Quantum Science and Technology Discovery Theme for the PET School and anelected Member to the University Senate and to the University Science Faculty Board. Her editorial duties include being an Editorial Advisory Board Member for the journal 'Advanced Quantum Technologies' and a Co-Editor for the Journal 'EPL'. She is a Member of the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Working Group of the European Quantum Flagship, and a Member of the IOP Committee for QuantumOptics, Quantum Information and Quantum Control.
Palavras-chaves: quantum information processing, quantum thermodynamics, spin networks