Coarse-grained modelling of fluids and other multi-scale approaches

qua, 13/09/2023 - 09:00 até 10:30
Prof. Dr. Erich Müller - Department of Chemical Engineering - Imperial College London
Local: Sala de Seminários José Roberto Leite - Edifício Alessandro Volta (bloco C) - andar térreo

Erich A. Muller is a Professor of Thermodynamics in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University (USA) with a thesis titled Molecular simulation of homogeneous and inhomogeneous associating fluids. His main research topics involve the molecular simulation of complex fluids (liquid crystals, asphaltenes, polymers, etc.), adsorption and interfacial phenomena (activated carbons, nanotubes, colloids), phase equilibria and thermophysical properties, bridging size scales from atomistic simulations to equation of state modeling (SAFT). His research focuses on applications to engineering problems employing high-performance computing, coarse-graining methods, and Machine Learning.