Spin Hall Effect for High Mobility Systems

In a recent publication in Physical Review B Rapid Communications, the first experimental observation of the spin Hall effect in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas was reported. The study was completely developed in the LNMS at DFMT-IFUSP by Prof. Felix Hernandez, Prof. Gennady Gusev and Leonardo Nunes (M.Sc. student). It presents novel data in the totally unexplored clean limit and contributes to the current debate of the spin Hall effect produced by an intrinsic mechanism.
“Observation of the intrinsic spin Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas” F. G. G. Hernandez, L. M. Nunes, G. M. Gusev, and A. K. Bakarov. Physical Review B 88, 161305 (R) (2013)

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