Determining stationary-state quantum properties directly from system-environment interactions

qui, 11/10/2018 - 10:00
Prof. Dr. Fernando Antonio Nazareth Nicacio / Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Sala de Seminários José Roberto Leite - Edifício Alessandro Volta (bloco C)

Considering stationary states of continuous-variable systems undergoing an open dynamics, we unveil the connection between properties and symmetries of the latter and the dynamical parameters. In particular, we explore the relation between the Lyapunov equation for dynamical systems and the steady-state solutions of a time-independent Lindblad master equation for bosonic modes. Exploiting bona fide relations that characterize some genuine quantum properties (entanglement, classicality, and steerability), we obtain conditions on the dynamical parameters for which the system is driven to a steady state possessing such properties. We also develop a method to capture the symmetries of a steady state based on symmetries of the Lyapunov equation. All the results and examples can be useful for steady-state engineering processes.