The two fundamental forces, the strong and weak nuclear forces, are the main object of study in nuclear physics. The formation of hadrons (baryons, such as protons and neutrons, and mesons) out of the quarks and gluons is the main research topic of the Group of Hadrons and Theoretical Physics. This group studies not only mesons, with two quarks, and baryons, with three quarks, but also the exotic particles with more than three quarks as well as nuclear matter at extreme densities, the plasma of quarks and gluons. Other theoreticians involved with nuclear physics study other process such as nuclear reactions and electron scattering. Several groups carry out their experimental work at the Nuclear Physics Laboratory. The Group of Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy does research in high spin nuclear structure, measurements of gyromagnetic ratio of excited nuclear states, and multiple elastic scattering of heavy ions in solids. The Group of Heavy Ion Reactions aims at understanding the process involved in a nucleus-nucleus collision through nuclear reactions. The Group of Direct Reactions and Exotic Nuclei is responsible for the production of radioactive ions beams, called RIBRAS, and is devoted to the study of nuclear with a large number of protons or neutrons (exotic nuclei). The understanding of fusion reactions, which drive the evolution and death of stars, is the main research theme of the Group of Heavy Nuclei Fusion. The alpha structure of light nuclei is studied by the Group of Nuclear Emulsions. Instrumentation is developed both by the Group of Relativistic Heavy Ions and the Instrumentation and Particles Laboratory. Nuclear physics experiments are also carried out at the Laboratory of Linear Accelerator. There, experimental groups study nuclear photo-disintegration, nuclear electron-disintegration, nuclear spectroscopy, nuclear reactions, and nuclear structure. Cosmic rays are studied through the collaborarion with the international Pierre Auger Observatory, Argentina.
Hadronic physics
Celso Luiz Lima
Fernando Silveira Navarra
Frederique Marie-Brigitte Sylvie Grassi
Jorge José Leite Noronha Junior
Manoel Roberto Robilotta
Marina Nielsen
Renato Higa
Yogiro Hama
Theoretical nuclear physics
Antonio Fernando Ribeiro de Toledo Piza
Emerson José Veloso dos Passos
Hélio Dias
Mauricio Porto Pato
Gamma-ray spectroscopy
José Roberto Brandão de Oliveira
Nilberto Heder Medina
Roberto Vicençoto Ribas
Heavy ions reactions
Luiz Carlos Chamon
Leandro Romero Gasques
Marcos Aurélio Gonzalez Alvarez
Direct reactions and exotic nuclei
Alinka Lépine-Szily
Kelly Cristina Cezaretto Pires
Rubens Lichtenthäler Filho
Valdir Guimarães
Heavy nuclei fusion
Edilson Crema
Nuclear Emulsions
Hideaki Miyake
José Luciano Miranda Duarte
Lighia Brigitta Horodynski-Matsushigue
Márcia Regina Dias Rodrigues
Thereza Borello-Levin
Relativistic heavy ions
Alexandre Alarcon do Passo Suaide
Eloisa Madeira Szanto
Marcelo Gameiro Munhoz
Nelson Carlin Filho
Raphael Liguori Neto
Emi Márcia Takagui
José Hiromi Hirata
Olácio Dietzsch
Suzana Salém Vasconcellos
Linear accelerator
Airton Deppman
Ivone Freire da Mota e Albuquerque
João Dias de Toledo Arruda
Marcos Nogueira Martins
Nora Lia Maidana
Otaviano Augusto Marcondes Helene
Paulo Reginaldo Pascholati
Philippe Gouffon
Vito Roberto Vanin
Cosmic rays
Edivaldo Moura Santos
Philippe Gouffon