Exportar 6 resultados:
Filtros: Autor é Roberto, M. and First Letter Of Title is S [Limpar todos os filtros]
“Shearless transport barriers in magnetically confined plasmas”, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 54, no. 12, p. 124035, 2012.
(1.29 MB)
“Set of wires to simulate tokamaks with poloidal divertor”, Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 79, no. 05, pp. 751 - 757, 2013.
(897.6 KB)
“Shaping Diverted Plasmas With Symplectic Maps”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, pp. 1 - 8, 2017.
(1.62 MB)
“Symplectic Maps for Diverted Plasmas”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, pp. 1 - 8, 2018.
(3.68 MB)
“Shaping the edge radial electric field to create shearless transport barriers in tokamaks”, Fundamental Plasma Physics, vol. 6, p. 100023, 2023.
(4.27 MB)
“Shearless bifurcations in particle transport for reversed-shear tokamaks”, Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 89447, no. 1, 2023.
(2.04 MB)