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“Phase synchronization in a sparse network of randomly connected neurons under the effect of Poissonian spike inputs”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, no. 12, 2023.
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“Plastic neural network with transmission delays promotes equivalence between function and structure”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 171, no. 4222, p. 113480, 2023.
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“Precessão da órbita da estrela S2 em torno do buraco negro Sagitário A*”, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, vol. 45, pp. e202301821-6, 2023.
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“Photobiomodulation therapy can change actin filaments of 3T3 mouse fibroblast”, Lasers in Medical Science, vol. 35, pp. 585 - 597, 2020.
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“Parametric perturbation in a model that describes the neuronal membrane potential”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 515, pp. 519 - 525, 2019.
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“Plasma Response to Resonant Perturbations at Tokamak Edge”, Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 426 - 432, 2018.
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“Perfis de Emissividade no Tokamak TCABR”, 2017.
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“Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Large Aspect Ratio Tokamaks”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 2906 - 2912, 2017.
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“Particle transport induced by electrostatic wave fluctuations”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 641, p. 012006, 2015.
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“Phase space properties and chaotic transport for a particle moving in a time dependent step potential well”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 236, pp. 215 - 228, 2014.
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“Plasma confinement in tokamaks with robust torus”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 390, no. 5, pp. 957 - 962, 2011.
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“Periodic window arising in the parameter space of an impact oscillator”, Physics Letters A, vol. 374, no. 26, pp. 2628 - 2635, 2010.
, “Periodic driving of plasma turbulence”, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1283 - 1290, 2003.
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“Phase synchronization in the perturbed Chua circuit”, Physical Review E, vol. 67, no. 5, 2003.
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“Plasma turbulence in tokamaks”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 257, no. 1-4, pp. 341 - 346, 1998.
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“The Parameter Space Structure of the Kicked Logistic Map and Its Stability”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 07, no. 02, pp. 447 - 457, 1997.
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