Colóquio - Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Lon-Range Interactions

Data de Início: 
quinta-feira, 3 Setembro, 2015 - 16:00
Yan Levin - UFRGS
Auditório Abrahão de Moraes

Systems with long-range forces behave very differently from those in which particles interact through short-range potentials. For systems with short-range forces, for arbitrary initial conditions, the final stationary state corresponds to the thermodynamic equilibrium and can be  described  equivalently by either a microcanonical, canonical, or a  grand-canonical ensemble. On the other hand, for systems with unscreened long-range interactions equivalence between ensembles breaks down.  In thermodynamic limit, an isolated system with long-range interactions become  trapped in a non-ergodic stationary state which explicitly depends on the initial particle distribution. In this talk, a theoretical framework will be presented which allows us to obtain the final stationary state achieved by systems with long-range interactions. The theory is able to  quantitatively predict both the density and the  velocity distributions in the final stationary state, without any adjustable parameters.

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