The development of the process for making semiconductors and metal structures at nanoscale extended the field of condensed matter from bulk matter down to nanoscale. Much effort of the theoretical reserchers working in material structure, composing the Sampa Group and the Nanomol Group , is made in this direction. They aim to understand the basic principles underlying the structural, electronic, optical, magnetic, and transport properties of a variety of materials ranging from semiconductors, metals, and oxides, to the nanostructured materials such as nanowires, nanotubes, and nanoribbons. Starting from quantum mechanics, they use analytical methods and computer simulation approaches to calculate the desired properties. Geologically relevant materials at the nanometer scale are also studied. Experimental work in nanostructures is attained in several laboratories. In the Semicondutor New Materials Laboratory, the reserchers carry out the growth and characterization of semiconductor in the form of heterostructures, nanocrystals, quantum dots, and quantum rings. The main research of the Thin Films Laboratory is the study of micro and nanostructures in thin films. The study of magnetic properties of thin films and microscopic magnetic particles is one of the purposes of the Magnetic Materials Laboratory. Studies of new materials at very low temperatures under high magnetic fields are made possible in the Low Temperature and Solid State Laboratory. In this laboratory, the Group of Low Temperatures and the Group of Phase Transitions and Supercondutivity carry out their experimental work in spintronics, nanostructures, Bose-Einstein condensation, and strongly correlated electron systems. Crystalline solids, simple liquids, and gases are the states of condensed matter with the simplest structures. Other systems, such as amorphous solids, liquid crystals, polymers, and gels, have a much more complex structure. The Crystallography Laboratory aims to study the structure of these systems by X-ray diffraction and small angle scattering.
Theory of material structure
Adalberto Fazzio
Antônio José Roque da Silva
Armando Corbani Ferraz
Caetano Rodrigues Miranda
Helena Maria Petrilli
Kazunori Watari
Lucy Vitória Credidio Assali
Luiz Guimarães Ferreira
Maria Cristina dos Santos
Marilia Junqueira Caldas
Semiconductor new materials
Alain André Quivy
Alexandre Levine
Danilo Mustafá
Euzi Conceição Fernandes da Silva
Felix Guillermo González Hernández
Gennady Gusev
Luís Gregório Godoy de Vasconcellos Dias da Silva
Thin films
Maria Cecília Salvadori
Mauro Sérgio Dorsa Cattani
Magnetic materials
Antônio Domingues dos Santos
Carmen Silvia de Moya Partiti
Daniel Reinaldo Cornejo
Luiz Carlos Camargo Miranda Nagamine
Low temperatures
André Bohomoletz Henriques
Armando Paduan Filho
Nei Fernandes de Oliveira Jr.
Rafael Sá de Freitas
Valdir Bindilatti
Valmir Antônio Chitta
Phase transitions and supercondutivity
Carlos Castilla Becerra
Renato de Figueiredo Jardim
Aldo Felix Craievich
Fernando Assis Garcia
Giancarlo Espósito de Souza Brito
Marcia Carvalho de Abreu Fantini
Rosangela Itri
Sérgio Luiz Morelhão