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Gás da floresta amazônica e tempestades de raios aceleram formação de nuvens

Árvores emitem isopreno que, a altitudes elevadas, reage com outras moléculas e aumenta em 100 vezes a produção de núcleos de condensação, as sementes das chuvas
Por Pesquisa FAPESP. Acesse AQUI.

Dois artigos publicados na revista Nature desta semana mostram em detalhes a sequência de interações físico-químicas que permite a formação de enormes quantidades de partículas de aerossóis na alta atmosfera da Amazônia, a altitudes entre 10 e 15 quilômetros (km). Essas partículas são transportadas para diversas partes do globo em razão da circulação atmosférica e têm um papel importante na gênese dos núcleos de condensação das nuvens, o embrião das gotas de chuva, e também em outros parâmetros climáticos.

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*Com participação do pesquisador Paulo Artaxo, do IFUSP.

Colaboração internacional J-PAS divulga primeiros dados do mapeamento do Universo

Com participação de pesquisadores da USP, primeiros dados da pesquisa mostram a posição tridimensional de 100 mil estrelas e cerca de 450 mil galáxias.
Por Jornal da USP. Acesse AQUI.

O projeto Javalambre Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS) está disponibilizando à comunidade científica os primeiros 12 graus quadrados do mapa tridimensional do Universo, feito a partir do Observatório Astrofísico de Javalambre. A área estudada contém 550 mil objetos astronômicos e é apenas uma pequena amostra de toda a área de pesquisa, que observará milhares de graus quadrados ao longo de dez anos. 

O professor Raul Abramo, do Instituto de Física (IF) da USP e um dos fundadores do projeto, explica que num enquadramento de 8 mil graus quadrados será possível identificar cerca de 1 bilhão de objetos espaciais. O cientista diz que existem várias maneiras de observar o Universo e que cada telescópio, de acordo com sua abordagem técnica, pode fazer isso de maneira diferente: alguns captam muitos objetos com menor definição, outros restringem a captação em função da qualidade visual da imagem. O J-PAS inova ao capturar um amplo espaço do Universo com qualidade suficiente para compreensão e aprofundamento do conteúdo.

Formação de novas partículas acima do topo das árvores contribui com as chuvas na Amazônia

Pesquisa publicada na Nature Geoscience e liderada por cientista brasileiro mostra como explosões de nanopartículas induzidas pela chuva ajudam a formar nuvens e precipitação, influenciando o ciclo de água, clima e balanço energético da Terra.
Por Agência FAPESP. Acesse AQUI.

Inspirado por uma experiência no Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), o pesquisador Caetano Miranda, do Instituto de Física (IF) da USP, lançou a iniciativa LabDiv – Expressão e Divulgação, que busca desenvolver competências de comunicação científica junto à comunidade de físicos da Universidade. O projeto vai atuar em duas frentes distintas, atendendo a grandes demandas da comunidade do IF: a primeira busca a melhoria da expressão e comunicação do trabalho científico, enquanto a segunda foca no fomento a ações de divulgação científica. 

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*Trabalho com participação dos pesquisdores Luiz Augusto Toledo Machado e Paulo Artaxo, do IFUSP.

Iniciativa busca desenvolver competências de comunicação científica entre físicos

O LabDiv – Expressão e Divulgação busca desenvolver competências de comunicação científica junto à comunidade do Instituto de Física da USP; modelo é inspirado em experiência no Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Jornal da USP, 12/11/24.

Inspirado por uma experiência no Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), o pesquisador Caetano Miranda, do Instituto de Física (IF) da USP, lançou a iniciativa LabDiv – Expressão e Divulgação, que busca desenvolver competências de comunicação científica junto à comunidade de físicos da Universidade. O projeto vai atuar em duas frentes distintas, atendendo a grandes demandas da comunidade do IF: a primeira busca a melhoria da expressão e comunicação do trabalho científico, enquanto a segunda foca no fomento a ações de divulgação científica. 

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Artigo | Legislative rebellions and impeachments in a neural network society

Dos autores Juan Neirotti and Nestor Caticha. Publicado na Physical Review E | Editors' Suggestion


Inspired by studies of legislative-executive conflict in modern presidential democracies in South America, we present an agent-based statistical mechanics exploration of the collective, coordinated action of strategic political actors in the legislative chamber and the conditions that may result in premature changes in the executive officeholder, such as a president's impeachment or a motion of no confidence in a prime minister. The legislative actors are represented by information processing agents equipped with a neural network, and emit opinions about issues in the presidential agenda. We construct a Hamiltonian which is the sum of the costs for the agents to hold a specific set of political positions. We use replica methods for two types of disorder, in the space of weights and in the network of agents' interactions. We obtain the phase diagram of the model, where the control parameters may be loosely described as indices measuring the strategic legislative support, the presidential polling popularity and the volume of the presidential agenda under discussion. It shows an intermediate phase of coexistence of pro and con strategic behavior. This region is surrounded by pure phases where the strategic vote falls completely in the pro or con camps. Driven by external forces, the change of these indices may lead the system out of the coexistence region into the purely anti-executive phase, triggering a phase transition into a state opposing the executive leader and supporting their removal from office by constitutional means. We use data from Brazil, and show the presidential trajectories that led to impeachment or not during the democratic period which began in 1989. These trajectories ended in the region of the phase diagram in accordance to the president being removed or not from office.

Artigo | Isoprene nitrates drive new particle formation in Amazon’s upper troposphere

Dos autores Joachim Curtius, Martin Heinritzi, Lisa J. Beck, Mira L. Pöhlker, Nidhi Tripathi, Bianca E. Krumm, Philip Holzbeck, Clara M. Nussbaumer, Lianet Hernández Pardo, Thomas Klimach, Konstantinos Barmpounis, Simone T. Andersen, Roman Bardakov, Birger Bohn, Micael A. Cecchini, Jean-Pierre Chaboureau, Thibaut Dauhut, Dirk Dienhart, Raphael Dörich, Achim Edtbauer, Andreas Giez, Antonia Hartmann, Bruna A. Holanda, Philipp Joppe, Katharina Kaiser, Timo Keber, Hannah Klebach, Ovid O. Krüger, Andreas Kürten, Christian Mallaun, Daniel Marno, Monica Martinez, Carolina Monteiro, Carolina Nelson, Linda Ort, Subha S. Raj, Sarah Richter, Akima Ringsdorf, Fabio Rocha, Mario Simon, Sreedev Sreekumar, Anywhere Tsokankunku, Gabriela R. Unfer, Isabella D. Valenti, Nijing Wang, Andreas Zahn, Marcel Zauner-Wieczorek, Rachel I. Albrecht, Meinrat O. Andreae, Paulo Artaxo, John N. Crowley, Horst Fischer, Hartwig Harder, Dirceu L. Herdies, Luiz A. T. Machado, Christopher Pöhlker, Ulrich Pöschl, Anna Possner, Andrea Pozzer, Johannes Schneider, Jonathan Williams & Jos Lelieveld. 
Publicado na Revista Nature.


New particle formation (NPF) in the tropical upper troposphere is a globally important source of atmospheric aerosols. It is known to occur over the Amazon basin, but the nucleation mechanism and chemical precursors have yet to be identified2. Here we present comprehensive in situ aircraft measurements showing that extremely low-volatile oxidation products of isoprene, particularly certain organonitrates, drive NPF in the Amazonian upper troposphere. The organonitrates originate from OH-initiated oxidation of isoprene from forest emissions in the presence of nitrogen oxides from lightning. Nucleation bursts start about 2 h after sunrise in the outflow of nocturnal deep convection, producing high aerosol concentrations of more than 50,000 particles cm−3. We report measurements of characteristic diurnal cycles of precursor gases and particles. Our observations show that the interplay between biogenic isoprene, deep tropical convection with associated lightning, oxidation photochemistry and the low ambient temperature uniquely promotes NPF. The particles grow over time, undergo long-range transport and descend through subsidence to the lower troposphere, in which they can serve as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) that influence the Earth’s hydrological cycle, radiation budget and climate.

Arte & Ciência CAST


O podcast Arte&Ciência CAST é uma iniciativa do grupo Arte&Ciência, liderado pelo Prof. Mikiya Muramatsu. A ideia é divulgar o tradicional projeto de extensão, bem como apresentar os monitores e professores envolvidos, os experimentos utilizados pelo gruo e curiosidades de divulgação científica no geral.


Artigo | Characterization of the Elemental Composition of Aerosols Emitted in the Dry Season of the Pantanal Wetland, Brazil

Dos autores Lucas C. Ramos, Thais C. Brunelli, Flávio C. Vicentin, Leone F.A. Curado, André M.S. Lima, Fernando G. Morais, Rafael S. Palácios, Nicolas N. Oliveira e João B. Marques. 
Publicado em Atmosphere.


The Brazilian Pantanal region experiences intense biomass burning during the dry season, releasing large quantities of gasses and particles into the atmosphere, which have serious implications on both the climate system and public health. Understanding the dynamics of these emissions is crucial for mitigating the impact on the ecosystem, its functioning, and potential anthropogenic disturbances. This study focused on analyzing emissions in the northern Pantanal during the 2022 drought. Concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), black carbon (BC), and 25 chemical elements were measured using gravimetry, reflectance analysis, and X-Ray fluorescence, respectively, from samples collected between August and October 2022. The average concentrations of PM2.5 and BC increased approximately 4-fold and 2.5-fold, respectively, compared to averages from a decade ago. Significant increases were also observed in elements such as sulfur (S), potassium (K), iron (Fe), and silicon (Si). The maximum concentrations were comparable to values typical of the southern Amazon, a region known for high deforestation rates and land use changes. Elemental analysis revealed substantial shifts in concentrations, primarily associated with biomass burning (BB) and soil suspension. Additionally, enrichment factor (Ef) analysis showed that lead (Pb) levels, correlated with human activities, were 200 times higher than those found under clean atmospheric conditions.

Artigo | The black-hole limits of the spherically symmetric and static relativistic polytrope solutions

Do autor Jorge L. de Lyra. 
Publicado em General Relativity and Gravitation.


We examine the black-hole limits of the family of static and spherically symmetric solutions of the Einstein field equations for polytropic matter, that was presented in a previous paper. This exploration is done in the asymptotic sub-regions of the allowed regions of the parameter planes of that family of solutions, for a few values of the polytropic index n, with the limitation that n>1. These allowed regions were determined and discussed in some detail in another previous paper. The characteristics of these limits are examined and analyzed. We find that there are different types of black-hole limits, with specific characteristics involving the local temperature of the matter. We also find that the limits produce a very unexpected but specific type of spacetime geometry in the interior of the black holes, which we analyze in detail. Regarding the spatial part of the interior geometry, we show that in the black-hole limits there is a general collapse of all spatial distances to zero. Regarding the temporal part, there results an infinite overall red shift in the limits, with respect to the flat space at radial infinity, over the whole interior region. The analysis of the interior geometry leads to a very surprising connection with quantum-mechanical studies in the background metric of a naked Schwarzschild black hole. The nature of the solutions in the black-hole limits leads to the definition of a new type of singularity in General Relativity. We argue that the black-hole limits cannot actually be taken all the way to their ultimate conclusion, due to the fact that this would lead to the violation of some essential physical and mathematical conditions. These include questions of consistency of the solutions, questions involving infinite energies, and questions involving violations of the quantum behavior of matter. However, one can still approach these limiting situations to a very significant degree, from the physical standpoint, so that the limits can still be considered, at least for some purposes, as useful and simpler approximate representations of physically realizable configurations with rather extreme properties.

Artigo | Limits on WR from Meson Decays

Dos autores Gustavo F. S. Alves, Chee Sheng Fong, Luighi P. S. Leal e Renata Zukanovich Funchal. 
Publicado em Physical Review Letters.


In this Letter we show that pseudoscalar meson leptonic decay data can be used to set stringent limits on the mass mWR of a right-handed vector boson, such as the one that appears in left-right symmetric models. We have shown that for a heavy neutrino with a mass Mn in the range 50<mN/MeV<1900 one can constraint mWR (4–19)  TeV at 90% CL. This provides the most stringent experimental limits on the WR mass to date for this heavy neutrino mass range.


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