
Exportar 17 resultados:
Filtros: Autor é Elton C. da Silva  [Limpar todos os filtros]
R. L. Viana, da Silva, E. C., Kroetz, T., Caldas, I. L., Roberto, M., and Sanjuan, M. A. F., Fractal structures in nonlinear plasma physics, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 3691773812350583226118296176/7769456114450914151594551271906484214717293847122164165386667134315505162717123981448180, no. 193523525424, pp. 371 - 395, 2011. (3.76 MB)
M. Roberto, da Silva, E. C., Caldas, I. L., and Viana, R. L., Magnetic trapping caused by resonant perturbations in tokamaks with reversed magnetic shear, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 214 - 225, 2004. (2.08 MB)
M. Roberto, da Silva, E. C., Caldas, I. L., and Viana, R. L., Non-twist field line mappings for tokamaks with reversed magnetic shear, Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 34, no. 4b, pp. 1759 - 1765, 2004. (189.52 KB)
E. G. Altmann, da Silva, E. C., and Caldas, I. L., Recurrence time statistics for finite size intervals, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 975 - 981, 2004. (223.02 KB)
M. Roberto, da Silva, E. C., Caldas, I. L., and Viana, R. L., Transport barrier created by dimerized islands, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 342, no. 1-2, pp. 363 - 369, 2004. (379.1 KB)