Presentation and Objectives

The Interunit Graduate Program in Science Teaching at the University of São Paulo (PIEC-USP) offers stricto sensu Master's and Doctorate courses. The main objective of the Program is to contribute to the development of scientific education in Brazil, in particular, focused on the fields of specific knowledge of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, through the training of excellent human resources for research work in the area of Science teaching.

The PIEC was created by the Institute of Physics and the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo in 1973. From 1998 onwards the Institute of Chemistry joined it and, from 2005, also the Institute of Biosciences.

The Program has been recognized for the quality of the papers presented at various congresses and symposiums, for the articles published in indexed journals, for the training of master's and doctoral students and by CAPES, which awarded a 5 to the Program in its last four-year evaluation (2013-2014- 2015 -2016).



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