Artigos de Periódicos 2014

1.   ACOSTA, C. M. ; LIMA, M. P. ; MIWA, R. H. ; DA SILVA, A.J.R. ; FAZZIO, A.. Topological phases in triangular lattices of Ru adsorbed on graphene: Ab initio calculations.Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 89, p. 155438-1-155438-8, issn: 10980121, 2014. 
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2.   AGUIAR, J. ALBINO ; ROA-ROJAS, JAIRO ; PARRA VARGAS, CARLOS ARTURO ; LANDÍNEZ TÉLLEZ, DAVID A. ; CORREDOR BOHÓRQUEZ, LAURA T. ; SHANENKO, ARKADY ; Jardim, Renato F. ; PEETERS, FRANCOIS. PrefacePhysica. B, Condensed Matter (Print). v. 455, p. 1-2, issn: 09214526, 2014. 
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3.   ALMEIDA SILVA, ANIELLE CHRISTINE ; GRATENS, XAVIER ; CHITTA, VALMIR ANTONIO ; FRANCO, SINÉSIO DOMINGUES ; SOUZA DA SILVA, RICARDO ; CONDELES, JOSÉ FERNANDO ; DANTAS, NOELIO OLIVEIRA. Effects of Ultrasonic Agitation on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of CoFe 2 O 4 NanocrystalsEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Print). v. 2014, p. 5603-5608, issn: 14341948, 2014. 
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4.   Alves-Santos, Marcelo ; JORGE, Leonardo Matheus Marion ; CALDAS, MARILIA JUNQUEIRA ; VARSANO, DANIELE. Electronic Structure of Interfaces between Thiophene and TiO 2 NanostructuresJournal of Physical Chemistry. C. v. 118, p. 140529105116005-13539-13544, issn: 19327447, 2014. 
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5.   ANVERSA, JONAS ; PIQUINI, PAULO ; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO ; SCHMIDT, TOME M.. First-principles study of HgTe/CdTe heterostructures under perturbations preserving time-reversal symmetryPhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 90, p. 195311-195311-9, issn: 10980121, 2014. 
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6.   ARMAS, L.E.G. ; DA SILVA, Euzi Conceição Fernandes ; DUARTE, C.A. ; PAGNOSSIN, I.R. ; QUIVY, A.A. ; MENEZES, J.W. ; JACINTO, C. ; SEABRA, A.C. ; GUSEV, G. M.. Influence of the Al concentration on the electronic properties of coupled and uncoupled AlxGa1−xAs/AlAs/AlyGa1−yAs double quantum wellsPhysica. E, Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures (Print). v. 61, p. 158-166, issn: 13869477, 2014. 
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7.   Cocchi, Caterina ; Prezzi, Deborah ; Ruini, Alice ; CALDAS, MARILIA JUNQUEIRA ; Molinari, Elisa. Anisotropy and Size Effects on the Optical Spectra of Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsThe Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. v. 118, p. 140701112603000-6507 6513, issn: 10895639, 2014. 
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8.   COELHO JUNIOR, H. ; ARAGON, F. H. ; HIDALGO, P. ; COHEN, R. ; Nagamine, L.C.C.M. ; COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; SILVA, S. W. ; BRITO, H. F.. Doping effects on the structural, magnetic, and hyperfine properties of Gd-doped SnO2 nanoparticlesJournal of Nanoparticle Research. v. 16, p. 2689-2691, issn: 13880764, 2014. 
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9.   CUNHA, VANESSA ROBERTA RODRIGUES ; IZUMI, CELLY MIEKO SHINOHARA ; PETERSEN, PHILIPPE ALEXANDRE DIVINA ; MAGALHÃES, ALVICLÉR ; TEMPERINI, MARCIA LAUDELINA ARRUDA ; Petrilli, Helena Maria ; CONSTANTINO, VERA REGINA-LEOPOLDO. Mefenamic Acid Anti-inflammatory Drug: Probing its Polymorphs by Vibrational (IR and Raman) and Solid-state NMR SpectroscopiesJournal of Physical Chemistry. B. v. 118, p. 140324004349006-4333 4344, issn: 15206106, 2014. 
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10.   DE CORATO, MARZIO ; Cocchi, Caterina ; Prezzi, Deborah ; Caldas, Marilia J. ; Molinari, Elisa ; Ruini, Alice. Optical Properties of Bilayer Graphene NanoflakesJournal of Physical Chemistry. C. v. 118, p. 23219-23225, issn: 19327447, 2014. 
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11.   DELLA NOCE, R. ; Benedetti, A.V. ; MAGNANI, M. ; PASSAMANI, E.C. ; KUMAR, H. ; Cornejo, D.R. ; OSPINA, C.A. Structural, Morphological and Magnetic characterization of electrodeposited co-fe-w alloysJournal of Alloys and Compounds. v. xx, p. xx, issn: 09258388, 2014. 
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12.   DINIZ, VERÔNICA CRISTINA SOUZA ; Vieira, Débora A. ; Kiminami, Ruth Herta Goldsmith Aliaga ; Cornejo, Daniel ; de Melo Costa, Ana Cristina Figueiredo. Study of Temperature Sintering by Microwave Energy in Ferrites Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4Materials Science Forum (Online). v. 775-776, p. 410-414, issn: 16629752, 2014. 
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13.   DUN, Z. L. ; LEE, M. ; CHOI, E. S. ; HALLAS, A. M. ; WIEBE, C. R. ; GARDNER, J. S. ; ARRIGHI, E. ; Freitas, R. S. ; AREVALO-LOPEZ, A. M. ; ATTFIELD, J. P. ; ZHOU, H. D. ; CHENG, J. G..Chemical pressure effects on magnetism in the quantum spin liquid candidates Yb2X2O. Physical ReviewPhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 89, p. 064401, issn: 10980121, 2014. 
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14.   Fernandes dos Santos, L. ; BARBOSA, B. G. ; Gusev, G. M. ; LUDWIG, J. ; SMIRNOV, D. ; Bakarov, A. K. ; Pusep, Yu. A.. Spectroscopic evidence of quantum Hall interlayer tunneling gap collapse caused by tilted magnetic field in a GaAs/AlGaAs triple quantum wellPhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 89, p. 195113-1-195113-5, issn: 10980121, 2014. 
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15.   FERNANDES, F M ; CLARO, M S ; DA SILVA, Euzi Conceição Fernandes ; QUIVY, A. A. (também QUIVY, A. antes de 1996). Modeling noise in superlattice quantum-well infrared photodetectorsJournal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 47, p. 385105, issn: 00223727, 2014. 
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16.   GARCÍA-FLORES, A. F. ; Terashita, H. ; BITTAR, E. M. ; Jardim, R. F. ; Granado, E.. Raman scattering in the magnetically frustrated double perovskite Sr 2 YRuO 6Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. v. 45, p. 193-196, issn: 03770486, 2014. 
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17.   GOVEA-ALCAIDE, E ; MACHADO, I F ; TORIKACHVILI, M S ; DILLEY, N R ; JARDIM, R F. Spark plasma sintering consolidation of Bi 1.65 Pb 0.35 Sr 2 Ca 2 Cu 3 0 10+δ ceramic samplesJournal of Physics. Conference Series (Online). v. 507, p. 012022, issn: 17426596, 2014. 
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18.   Govea-Alcaide, E. ; PÉREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, J.E. ; MACHADO, I.F. ; Jardim, R.F.. The spatial distribution of temperature and oxygen deficiency in spark-plasma sintered superconducting Bi-based materialsPhysica. B, Condensed Matter (Print). v. 455, p. 35-38, issn: 09214526, 2014. 
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19.   Gusev, G. M. ; KVON, Z. D. ; OLSHANETSKY, E. B. ; LEVIN, A. D. ; KRUPKO, Y. ; PORTAL, J. C. ; Mikhailov, N. N. ; Dvoretsky, S. A.. Temperature dependence of the resistance of a two-dimensional topological insulator in a HgTe quantum wellPhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 89, p. 125305, issn: 10980121, 2014. 
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20.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; MORAES, F. C. D. ; GALGANO, G. D. ; MEANEY, A. J. ; CHRISTIANEN, P. C. M. ; MAAN, J. C. ; ABRAMOF, E. ; RAPPL, P. H. O.. Luminescence properties of magnetic polarons in EuTe: Theoretical description and experiments in magnetic fields up to 28 TPhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 90, p. 165202-1, issn: 10980121, 2014. 
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21.   HERNANDEZ, F. G. G. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; BAKAROV, A. K.. Resonant optical control of the electrically induced spin polarization by periodic excitationPhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 90, p. 041302-1-041302-5, issn: 10980121, 2014. 
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22.   IGARASHI, R N ; BEZERRA NETO, M M ; ELENO, L T F ; BERGMAN, A ; Klautau, A B ; ERIKSSON, O ; PETRILLI, H M. Magnetic properties of Fe x Co 1− x nanochains on Pt(1-1-1) surfacesJournal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 26, p. 206003-1-6, issn: 09538984, 2014. 
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23.   KVON, Z. D. ; Gusev, G. M. ; LEVIN, A. D. ; KOZLOV, D. A. ; RODYAKINA, E. E. ; LATYSHEV, A. V.. Microwave response of a ballistic quantum dotJETP Letters. v. 98, p. 713-716, issn: 00213640, 2014. 
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24.   LEVIN, A. D. ; MOMTAZ, Z. S. ; Gusev, G. M. ; Bakarov, A. K.. Microwave-induced nonlocal transport in a two-dimensional electron systemPhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 89, p. 161304-161304-5, issn: 10980121, 2014. 
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25.   LI, X. ; LI, W. M. ; MATSUBAYASHI, K. ; SATO, Y. ; JIN, C. Q. ; UWATOKO, Y. ; KAWAE, T. ; HALLAS, A. M. ; WIEBE, C. R. ; AREVALO-LOPEZ, A. M. ; ATTFIELD, J. P. ; GARDNER, J. S. ; Freitas, R. S. ; ZHOU, H. D. ; CHENG, J.-G.. Long-range antiferromagnetic order in the frustrated XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet Er2Ge2. Physical ReviewPhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 89, p. 064409, issn: 10980121, 2014. 
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26.   LIMA, FILIPE C. D. A. ; CALZOLARI, ARRIGO ; CALDAS, MARÍLIA J. ; IOST, RODRIGO M. ; CRESPILHO, FRANK N. ; Petrilli, Helena M.. Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Monolayers Modified with Ferrocene on a Gold Surface: Evidence of Electron TunnelingJournal of Physical Chemistry. C. v. 118, p. 140924150318002-23111 23116, issn: 19327447, 2014. 
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27.   LIMANDRI, S. ; VERA, P. ; FADANELLI, R. C. ; NAGAMINE, L. C. C. M. ; MELLO, A. ; R. Garcia-Molina ; M. Behar ; I. Abril. Energy deposition of H and He ion beams in hydroxyapatite films: A study with implications for ion-beam cancer therapyPhysical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print). v. 89, p. 022703-1-022703-9, issn: 15393755, 2014. 
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28.   LIMANDRI, S. P. ; FADANELLI, R. C. ; NAGAMINE, L. C. C. M. ; FERNANDEZ-VAREA, J. M. ; ARISTA, N. R. ; I. Abril ; Garcia-Molina, R. ; M. Behar. Stopping cross sections of TiO2 for H and He ionsThe European Physical Journal. D, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Print). v. 68, p. 194-1-194-8, issn: 14346060, 2014. 
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29.   PADILHA, JOSE EDUARDO ; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO ; DA SILVA, ANTONIO J. R.. Directional Control of the Electronic and Transport Properties of GraphynesJournal of Physical Chemistry. C. v. 118, p. 18793-18798, issn: 19327447, 2014. 
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30.   Peres, M. L. ; MONTEIRO, H. S. ; CHITTA, V. A. ; DE CASTRO, S. ; MENGUI, U. A. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; Oliveira, N. F. ; Abramof, E. ; Maude, D. K.. Experimental investigation of spin-orbit coupling in n-type PbTe quantum wellsJournal of Applied Physics. v. 115, p. 093704, issn: 00218979, 2014. 
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31.   Petersen, Philippe A. D. ; SILVA, ANDREIA S. ; Gonçalves, Marcos B. ; LAPOLLI, ANDRÉ L. ; FERREIRA, ANA MARIA C. ; CARBONARI, ARTUR W. ; Petrilli, Helena M.. Cd Hyperfine Interactions in DNA Bases and DNA of Mouse Strains Infected with Trypanosoma cruzi Investigated by Perturbed Angular Correlation Spectroscopy and ab InitioCalculationsBiochemistry (Easton). v. 53, p. 3446-3456, issn: 00062960, 2014. 
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32.   SANTOS, POLYANA TARCIANA ARAÚJO ; DE ARAÚJO, PASCALLY M.A. GUERRA ; Costa, A.C.F.M. ; Cornejo, Daniel R.. Magnetic Study of Nanoferritas CoFe2O4 Obtained by Reaction of CombustionMaterials Science Forum (Online). v. 798-799, p. 402-406, issn: 16629752, 2014. 
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33.   SCHNEIDER, J. M. ; Peres, M. L. ; WIEDMANN, S. ; ZEITLER, U. ; CHITTA, V. A. ; Abramof, E. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; DE CASTRO, S. ; SOARES, D. A. W. ; MENGUI, U. A. ; Oliveira, N. F..Systematic study of doping dependence on linear magnetoresistance in p-PbTeApplied Physics Letters. v. 105, p. 162108, issn: 00036951, 2014. 
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34.   SEIXAS, L. ; PADILHA, J. E. ; FAZZIO, A.. Quantum spin Hall effect on germanene nanorod embedded in completely hydrogenated germanenePhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 89, p. 195403-1-195403-5, issn: 10980121, 2014. 
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35.   SUBKHANGULOV, R. R. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; ABRAMOF, E. ; RASING, TH. ; KIMEL, A. V.. All-optical manipulation and probing of the d-f exchange interaction in EuTeScientific Reports. v. 4, p. 4368, issn: 20452322, 2014. 
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36.   TORRES, ALBERTO ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; Fazzio, A. ; DA SILVA, ANTÔNIO J. R.. Spin caloritronics in graphene with MnApplied Physics Letters. v. 104, p. 072412-072412-4, issn: 00036951, 2014. 
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37.   VIEIRA, DÉBORA ALBUQUERQUE ; DINIZ, VERÔNICA CRISTINA SOUZA ; Cornejo, Daniel R. ; de Melo Costa, Ana Cristina Figueiredo ; Kiminami, Ruth Herta Goldsmith Aliaga.Study of the Reproducibility of Ni-Zn Nanoferrite Obtained by Combustion ReactionMaterials Science Forum (Online). v. 775-776, p. 415-420, issn: 16629752, 2014. 
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38.   WRASSE, ERNESTO OSVALDO ; TORRES, ALBERTO ; BAIERLE, ROGÉRIO JOSÉ ; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO ; SCHMIDT, TOME MAURO. Size effects induced high thermoelectric figure of merit in PbSe and PbTe nanowiresPCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print). v. 16, p. 8114-8118, issn: 14639076, 2014. 
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