Artigos 2002

1.   A. Paduan Filho ; Becerra CC . Magnetic properties and critical behavior of pure and diluted two dimensional weak ferromagnet (CH3NH3)2Mn1-xCdxCl4. (x = 0, 0. 05). J Appl. Phys. 91,8249 (2002), usa, v. 91, p. 8249, 2002.
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2.   AGUIAR, O D ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. ; FROSSATI, G. ; ARAUJO, J C N ; MIRANDA, O D ; MARINHO JR, R M ; MAGALHãES, N S ; FRAJUCA, C ; SOUZA, S T ; FURTADO, S R . The Gravitacional Wave Detector (Mario Schenberg) Status of the Project. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 32, p. 866-868, 2002.
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3.   ALVES, H W L ; ALVES, J L A ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. . Planar force-constant method for lattice dynamics of cubic III-Nitrides. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 32, p. 448, 2002.
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4.   ALVES, H. W. L. ; ALVES, J. L. A. ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. . Planar force-constant method for lattice dynamics of cubic InN. Materials Science and Engineering. B, Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, v. 93, p. 90, 2002.
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5.   ANJOS, V ; SOUZA, M. A. R. ; LEITE, J. R. ; SCHÜLLER, C. . About single-particle excitations in resonant Raman scattering in modulation-doped quantum wells . Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, New York, v. Submit, 2002.
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6.   ANTONELLI, A ; JUSTO, J. F. ; FAZZIO, A. . Interaction of As Impurities with 30º Partial Dislocations in Si: An Ab Initio Investigation. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 91, p. 5892, 2002.
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7.   ARAUJO, C. M. ; FERNANDEZ, J. R. L. ; DA SILVA, A. F. ; PEPE, I. ; LEITE, J. R. ; SERNELIUS, B. E. ; TABATA, Américo ; PERSSON, C. ; AHUJA, R. ; AS, D. J. ; SCHIKORA, D. ; LISCHKA, K. . Electrical resistivity, MNM transition and band-gap norrowing of cubic GaN:Si. Microelectronics Journal, Inglaterra, v. 33, p. 365, 2002.
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8.   BERQUó, T. S. ; IMBERNON, R. A. L. ; BLOT, A. ; PARTITI, C. S. M. . Adsorption of gold on goethites from Burkina Faso, Africa: magnetic characterization. Quaderni di Geoficica, Itália, v. 26, p. 3-4, 2002.
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9.   BUSSI, G. ; RUINI, A. ; MOLINARI, E. ; CALDAS, M. J. ; PUSCHNING, P. ; AMBROSCH-DRAXL, C. . Interchain interaction and Davydov splitting in polythiophene crystals: An ab initio approach. Applied Physics Letters, Amer Inst Physics, Melville, v. 80, n. 22, p. 4118-4120, 2002.
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10.   BYKOV, A. A. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, A. A. ; BAKAROV, A K ; A. V. GORAN, ; KUDRYASHEV, V. M. ; TOROPOV, A. I. . Quasiclassical negative magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional electron gas in a random magnetic field. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, USA, v. 65, n. 3, p. 03530-03530, 2002.
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11.   C. S. SERGIO, ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, A. A. ; OLSHANETSKII, E. B. ; BYKOV, A. A. ; BAKAROV, A K ; TOROPOV, A. I. ; MAUDE, D. K. ; ESTIBALS, O. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Landau levels in two and three-dimensional electron gases in a wide parabolic quantum well. Brazilian Journal of Physics, Brasil, v. 32, n. 2A, p. 347-349, 2002.
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12.   CAVALHEIRO, Ademir ; da Silva, E C F ; TAKAHASHI, E. K. ; QUIVY, Alain André ; LEITE, José Roberto ; MENESES, Eliermes Arraes . Illumination as a tool to investigate the quantum mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas in a Si ?-doped GaAs/In0. 15Ga0. 85As/GaAs quantum well. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), The American Physical Society, v. 65, p. 075320, 2002.
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13.   CHIQUITO, A. J. ; Yu. A. Pusep ; GUSEV, G. M. ; TOROPOV, A. I. . Quantum interference in intentionally disordered doped GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices. Physical Review B - Solid State, p. 035323, v. 66, 2002.
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14.   CHOQUE, N. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, A. A. ; BYKOV, A. A. ; BAKAROV, A K ; TOROPOV, A. I. . Geometrical resonance in the resistivity of wide quantum well. Physica E. Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Holanda, v. 13, p. 777-781, 2002.
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15.   CHOQUE, N. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, A. A. ; BYKOV, A. A. ; LITVIN, L. V. ; MOSHEGOV, N. T. ; TOROPOV, A. I. ; MAUDE, D. K. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Chaotic electron dynamics in antidot lattice subjected to strong in-plane magnetic field. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, p. 035324, v. 66, 2002.
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16.   D, Aguiar O ; ANDRADE, L A ; CAMARGO FILHO, L ; COSTA, C A ; ARAUJO, J C N ; REY NETO, e C ; SOUZA, S T ; FAUTH, A C ; FRAJUCA, C ; FROSSATI, G. ; FURTADO, S R ; FURTADO, V G S ; MAGALHãES, N S ; MARINHO JR, R M ; MATOS, e S ; MELIANI, M T ; MELO, J L ; MIRANDA, O D ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. ; RIBEIRO, K L ; SALLES, K B M ; STELLATI, C ; VELLOSO JR, W F . The status of the Brazilian spherical detector. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Inglaterra, v. 19, p. 1949-1953, 2002.
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17.   DA SILVA, M. J. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; GONZALEZBORRERO, P. P. ; MAREGA JR, E. ; LEITE, J. R. . Atomic-force-microscopy study of self-assembled InAs quantum dots along their complete evolution cycle. Journal of Crystal Growth, New York, v. 241, p. 19, 2002.
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18.   DABROWSKI, J. ; MUSSIG, H. J. ; ZAVODINSKY, V. ; BAIERLE, R. J. ; CALDAS, M. J. . Mechanism of dopant segregation to SiO(2)/Si(001) interfaces. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, American Physical Soc, College, v. 65, n. 245305, p. 245305-1-245305-11, 2002.
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19.   DALPIAN, G M ; VENEZUELA, P ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Ab Initio Calculations of Vacancies in SixGe1-x. Applied Physics Letters, v. 81, p. 3383, 2002.
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20.   DáVILA, L. Y. A. ; CALDAS, M. J. . Applicability of MNDO techniques AM1 and PM3 to ring-structured polymers. Journal of Computational Chemistry, John Wiley&Sons Inc, New York, v. 23, n. 12, p. 1135-1142, 2002.
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21.   Escote, M. ; Meza, V. ; Jardim, R. ; BEN-DOR, L. ; Torikachvili, M. ; Lacerda, A. . Upper critical field of the magnetic superconductor RuGd1. 4Ce0. 6Sr2Cu2O10-?. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), v. 66, p. 144503, 2002.
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22.   Fonseca, F. ; Goya, G. ; Jardim, R. ; MUCCILLO, R. ; Carreño, N. ; LONGO, E. ; Leite, E. . Superparamagnetism and magnetic properties of Ni nanoparticles embedded in SiO2. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), EUA, v. 66, p. 104406, 2002.
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23.   GOYA, G. F. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. . On the magnetic properties of mechanosynthesized and ball-milled ferrites. J. Metastable Nanocryst. Materials, v. 14, p. 127-132, 2002.
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24.   GOYA, G. F. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; IBARRA, M. R. . Spin dynamics of nanostructured La1/3Ca2/3MnO3. Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, v. 13, p. 433-438, 2002.
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25.   GOYA, G. F. ; SOUZA, J A ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Mossbauer spectroscopy and magnetoresistivity of 57Fe substituted Mn in La0. 7-xYxCa0. 3MnO3 manganites. Journal of Applied Physics, Estados unidos, v. 91, p. 7932-7934, 2002.
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26.   GUSEV, G. M. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; LEITE, A. A. ; BAKAROV, A K ; TOROPOV, A. I. ; ESTIBALS, O. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Magnetotransport of a quasi-three-dimensional electron gas in the lowest Landau level. Physical Review B, USA, v. 65, n. 20, p. 316-1-316-9, 2002.
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27.   HANAMOTO, L. K. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. ; TRIBUZY, C. V. B. ; SOUZA, P. L. . Interfacial layers and impurity segregation in InP/InGaAs superlattices. Brazilian Journal of Physics (Impresso), Brasil, v. 32, p. 334, 2002.
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28.   HUSBERG, O. ; KHARCHENKO, A ; AS, D J ; LISCHKA, K ; SILVEIRA, E. ; NORIEGA, O. C. ; FERNANDEZ, J R L ; LEITE, J. R. . Thermal annealing of cubic - InGaN/GaN double heteroestructures. Physica Status Solidi. C, Conferences and Critical Reviews, Amsterdã, v. 0, p. 293, 2002.
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29.   HUSBERG, O. ; KHARCHENKO, A. ; VOGELSANG, H. ; AS, D. J. ; LISCHKA, K. ; NORIEGA, O. C. ; TABATA, A. ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. . Photoluminescence associated with quantum dots in cubic GaN/InGaN/GaN double heterostructures. Physica E. Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Amsterdã, v. 13, p. 1090, 2002.
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30.   JONEN, S. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; CAMPO, J. . Rare-earth effects on the magnetic behavior of R6Fe11-xAl3+x compounds. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 242, p. 803-805, 2002.
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31.   JUSTO, J F ; NUNES, R. W. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. . Microscopic Structure of the 90º and 30º Partial Dislocations in Gallium Arsenide. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, v. 14, p. 12749-12754, 2002.
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32.   JUSTO, J. F. ; ANTONELLI, A ; FAZZIO, A. . Arsenic Segregation, Pairing and Mobility on the Partial Dislocation in Silicon. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, v. 14, p. 12761, 2002.
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33.   JUSTO, J. F. ; MOTA, F. B. ; FAZZIO, A. . First-Principles Investigation of a-SiNx:H. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 65, p. 07320, 2002.
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34.   KÖHLER, U. ; AS, D. J. ; POTTHAST, S. ; KHARCHENKO, A. ; LISCHKA, K. ; NORIEGA, O. C. ; MENESES, E. A. ; TABATA, A. ; RODRIGUES, Sara Cristina Pinto ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; SIPAHI, Guilherme Matos ; LEITE, J. R. . Optical characterization of cubic AlGaN/GaN quantum wells. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research, Berlin, v. 192, p. 129, 2002.
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35.   KVON, Z. D. ; ESTIBALS, O. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Conductivity corrections in a strongly correlated and disordered two-dimensional system. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, p. 161304, v. 65, n. 16, 2002.
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36.   LAURETTO, E. ; MENESES, Eliermes Arraes ; CARVALHO JR, W. ; BERNUSSI, A. A. ; RIBEIRO, E. ; DA SILVA, Euzi Conceição Fernandes ; OLIVEIRA, José Brás Barreto de . Optical studies of the correlation between interface disorder and the photoluminescence line shape in GaAs/InGaP quantum wells. Brazilian Journal of Physics (Impresso), Brasil, v. 32, n. 2A, p. 314-317, 2002.
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37.   LEITE, J. R. . Origin of the radiative emission in blue-green light emitting diodes and laser diodes based on GaN/InGaN heterostructures. Microelectronics Journal, Inglaterra, v. 33, p. 323, 2002.
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38.   MARQUES, R. F. C. ; JAFELICCI, M. ; PAIVASANTOS, C. O. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; SOUZA, J A ; VARANDA, L. C. ; GODOY, R. H. M. . Nanoparticle synthesis of La1-xSrxMnO3 (x = 0. 1, 0. 2, and 0. 3) perovskites. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, USA, v. 38, p. 2892-2894, 2002.
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39.   MARTINI, S. ; QUIVY, A A ; LAMAS, T e ; SILVA, M J da ; SILVA, e C F da ; LEITE, J. R. . In situ investigation of indium segregation in InGaAs layers grown on vicinal GaAs (001) substrates. Applied Physics Letters, v. submit, 2002.
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40.   MEZA, V. A. ; GRATENS, X. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; BENDOR, L. . Preparation and general physical properties of polycrystalline PrBa2Cu3O7-x obtained from sol-gel precursors. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 32, p. 731-738, 2002.
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41.   MIOLA, E. J. ; SOUZA, S. D. ; OLZON-DIONYSIO, M. ; SPINELLI, D. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. . Plasma nitriding of pure iron at several temperatures. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, v. 231, p. 385-390, 2002.
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42.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A. C. . A Theoretical Study of C2H2 Adsorption on the Ge(001) Surface. Surface Science, v. 513, p. 422-430, 2002.
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43.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Zn-Induced Features at the GaAs(110) Surface and its Importance in the Growth of ZnSe on GaAs(110). Applied Physics Letters, v. 81, p. 481-483, 2002.
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44.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Zn-Induced Features at the GaAs(110) Surface: A First-Principles Study. Vacuum, v. 67, p. 31-35, 2002.
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45.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A. C. ; SRIVASTAVA, G P . Acetylene Adsorption on the Si(001) Surface. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 65, p. 075401-075401-11, 2002.
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46.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A. C. ; SRIVASTAVA, G P . Comparative Study of the Adsorption of C2H4 on the Si(001) and Ge(001) Surfaces. Surface Science, v. 507-10, p. 12-17, 2002.
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47.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A. C. ; SRIVASTAVA, G P . First-Principles Study of the Adsorption of PH3 on Ge(001) and Si(001) Surfaces. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 32, p. 392-395, 2002.
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48.   MOTA, F. B. ; JUSTO, J. F. ; FAZZIO, A. . Defect Centers in a-SiNx: Electronic and Structural Properties. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 32, p. 436, 2002.
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49.   Martini, S. ; Quivy, A. A. ; da Silva, E. C. F. ; Leite, J. R. . Real-time determination of the segregation strength of indium atoms in InGaAs layers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters, v. 81, n. 15, p. 2863, 2002.
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50.   NOGUEIRA, R. N. ; PETRILLI, H. M. . Hyperfine Fields at Co Clusters in Bulk Ag and Cu by a First-Principles Study: The Role of the Nearest Neighbourhood. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, v. 14, n. 5, p. 1067-1073, 2002.
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51.   NORIEGA, O. C. ; LEITE, J. R. ; MENESES, E. A. ; SOARES, J. A. N. T. ; RODRIGUES, Sara Cristina Pinto ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; SIPAHI, Guilherme Matos ; KÖHLER, U. ; AS, D. J. ; POTTHAST, S. ; KHARCHENKO, A. ; LISCHKA, K. . Photoluminescence and Photoreflectance characterization of cubic GaN/AlxGa1-xN quantum wells. Physica Status Solidi C, Berlin, v. 0, n. 1, p. 528-531, 2002.
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52.   ORELLANA, W ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Influence of Spin State on Dynamical Processes of O2 in Alfa-Quartz. Materials Research Society, p. 32, 2002.
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53.   ORELLANA, W. ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Stability and Electronic Structure of Hydrogen-Nitrogen Complexes in GaAs. Applied Physics Letters, v. 81, p. 3816-3818, 2002.
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54.   ORMEÑO, P. G. G. ; PETRILLI, H. M. ; SCHÖN, C. G. . Ab-initio calculations of the formation energies of BCC-based superlattices in the Fe-Al system. Calphad (New York), Estados Unidos, v. 26, n. 4, p. 573-582, 2002.
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55.   PADUANFILHO A. ; BECERRA, C. C. . Magnetic properties and critical behavior of pure and diluted 2-D weak ferromagnet. Journal of Applied Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 91, p. 8249-8250, 2002.
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56.   PAIVA, R de ; ALVES, J. L. A. ; NOGUEIRA, R A ; OLIVEIRA, C. ; ALVES, H. W. L. ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. . Theoretical study of the Al(x)Ga(1-x)N alloys. Materials Science and Engineering. B, Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, v. 93, p. 2, 2002.
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57.   PAIVA, R de ; NOGUEIRA, R A ; OLIVEIRA, C. ; ALVES, H W L ; ALVES, J L A ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. . First principles calculations of the effetive mass parameters of Al(x) Ga(1-x) N and Zn(x) Cd(1-x) Te alloys . Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 32, p. 405, 2002.
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58.   PARTITI, C. S. M. ; IMBERNON, R. A. L. ; FRANCO, D. R. ; BERQUó, T. S. ; BEVILACQUA, J. E. . Magnetic Characterization of Sediments of Urban Supply Lakes in São Paulo, Brazil. Hyperfine Interactions, The Netherlands, v. 5, p. 453-456, 2002.
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59.   PENDL JR. , W. ; COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; SKOLOZDRA, R. V. . Mössbauer investigation of RCo3Sn compounds (R=Gd-Tm). Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 346, p. 62-67, 2002.
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60.   PUSEP, Y. A. ; SILVA, M. T. O. ; FERNANDEZ, J. R. L. ; CHITTA, V. A. ; LEITE, J. R. ; FREY, T. ; AS, D. J. ; SCHIKORA, D. ; LISCHKA, K. . Raman Study of Collective Plasmon-LO Phonon Excitations in Cubic GaN and Al(x)Ga(1-x)N Epitaxial Layers. Journal of Applied Physics, Lancaster, New York, v. 91, p. 6197, 2002.
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61.   RAMOS, Luis Eugenio ; FURTHMÜLLER, J ; BECHSTEDT, F. ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. . Ab initio theory of native defects in alloys:application to charged N vacancies in Al(x)Ga(1-x)N. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, v. 14, p. 2577, 2002.
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62.   RAMOS, Luis Eugenio ; FURTHMÜLLER, J ; LEITE, J. R. ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; BECHSTEDT, F. . Carbon-based defects in GaN:Doping behaviour. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, Berlin, v. 234, p. 864, 2002.
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63.   RAMOS, Luis Eugenio ; FURTHMÜLLER, J ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. ; BECHSTEDT, F. . Substitutional carbon in III-nitrides: ab initio description of shallow and deep levels. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 66, p. 75209, 2002.
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64.   RECHENBERG, H. R. ; BRANDI, S. D. ; PADILHA, A. F. . Mössbauer study of the alpha'-phase formation in Fe-Cr-based duplex stainless steel. Hyperfine Interactions, v. C5, p. 563-566, 2002.
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65.   REIS, S. T. ; PONTUSCHKA, W. H. ; FARIA, D. L. A. ; DAY, D. E. ; MARTINELLI, J. R. ; PARTITI, C. S. M. . Structural Features of Lead Iron Phosphate Glassess. Journal of NonCrystalline Solids, v. 304, n. 1-3, p. 188-195, 2002.
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66.   RODRIGUES, S C P ; SCOLFARO, L M R ; SIPAHI, G M ; NORIEGA, O. C. ; LEITE, J. R. . k. p. calculations of electronic and optical properties in p doped (001) AlGaN/GaN thin superlattices. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, Berlin, v. 234, p. 906, 2002.
67.   RODRIGUES, Sara Cristina Pinto ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; SIPAHI, Guilherme Matos ; LEITE, J. R. . k. p calculations of electronic and optical properties of p-doped (001) AlGaN/GaN thin superlattices . Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, v. 234, p. 906, 2002.
68.   RODRIGUES, Sara Cristina Pinto ; SIPAHI, Guilherme Matos ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. . Hole charge localization and band structures of p-doped GaN/InGaN and GaAs/InGaAs semiconductor heterostructures. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, v. 14, p. 5813, 2002.
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69.   RODRIGUES, Sara Cristina Pinto ; SIPAHI, Guilherme Matos ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; NORIEGA, O. C. ; LEITE, J. R. ; FREY, T. ; AS, D. J. ; SCHIKORA, D. ; LISCHKA, K. . Inter and Intraband Transitions in Cubic Nitride Quantum Wells. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research, Berlin, v. 190, p. 121, 2002.
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70.   RUINI, A. ; CALDAS, M. J. ; BUSSI, G. ; MOLINARI, E. . Solid state effects on exciton states and optical properties of PPV. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Soc, College, v. 88, n. 206403, p. 206403-1-206403-4, 2002.
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71.   SALES, F. V. ; CRUZ, J M R ; SILVA, S W da ; SOLER, M. A. G. ; MORAIS, P C ; SILVA, M J da ; QUIVY, A A ; LEITE, J. R. . Unveiling carrier kinetics in quatum dots (QD) through CW photoluminescence modeling: a systematic study on a QD surface density gradient sample. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. submit, 2002.
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72.   SALES, F. V. ; DA SILVA, S. W. ; MONTE, A F G ; SOLER, M. A. G. ; CRUZ, J M R ; DA SILVA, M. J. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; MORAIS, P. C. ; LEITE, J. R. . Investigation of optical and structural properties of In(x)Ga(1-x)As/GaAs quantum wells grown on vicinal GaAs(001) substrates. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, London, v. 311, p. 285, 2002.
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73.   SANTOS, A. M. ; DA SILVA, Euzi Conceição Fernandes ; ALVES, H. W. L. ; LEITE, José Roberto ; NORIEGA, O. C. ; ALVES, J. L. A. . Vibrational Properties of Cubic AlxGa1?xN and InxGa1?xN Ternary Alloys. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlim, v. 232, n. 1, p. 182-187, 2002.
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74.   SANTOS, A. M. ; SILVA, e C F da ; NORIEGA, O. C. ; ALVES, H. W. L. ; ALVES, J L A ; LEITE, J. R. . Vibrational Properties of the cubic Al(x)Ga(1-x)N and In(x)Ga(1-x)N ternary alloys. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, Berlin, v. 232, p. 182, 2002.
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78.   SILVA, C R S da ; JUSTO, J. F. ; FAZZIO, A. . Structural Order and Clustering in Annealed Alfa-SiC and Alfa-SiC:H. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 65, p. 10410, 2002.
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81.   TABATA, A. ; TELES, Lara Kühl ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. ; KHARCHENKO, A. ; LISCHKA, K. ; FURTHMÜLLER, J ; BECHSTEDT, F. . Phase separation suppression in InGaN epitaxial layers due to biaxial strain. Applied Physics Letters, v. 80, p. 769, 2002.
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83.   TELES, Lara Kühl ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; FURTHMÜLLER, J ; BECHSTEDT, F. ; LEITE, J. R. . Phase separation, gap bowing, and structural properties of cubic Inx Al1-x N. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, Berlin, v. 234, p. 956, 2002.
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84.   TELES, Lara Kühl ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; FURTHMÜLLER, J ; LEITE, J. R. ; BECHSTEDT, F. . Phase diagram, chemical bonds, and gap bowing of cubic InAlN alloys: ab initio calculations . Journal of Applied Physics, v. 92, p. 7109, 2002.
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85.   TELES, Lara Kühl ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. ; FURTHMÜLLER, J ; BECHSTEDT, F. . Spinodal decomposition in B(x)Ga(1-x)N and B(x)Al(1-x)N alloys. Applied Physics Letters, v. 80, p. 1177, 2002.
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86.   TERRAZOS, L. A. ; PETRILLI, H. M. ; MARSZALEK, M. ; SAITOVITCH, H. ; SILVA, P. R. J. ; BLAHA, P. ; SCHWARZ, K. . Electric Field Gradients at Ta in Zr and Hf Intermetallic Compounds. Solid State Communications, v. 121, n. 9-10, p. 525-529, 2002.
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89.   VIVAS, P. G. ; SILVA, E. E. ; CARVALHO, L. C. ; ALVES, J L A ; ALVES, H W L ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J R . Adsorption of Si and C atoms over SiC (111) surfaces. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 32, p. 396, 2002.
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