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L. A. Osorio-Quiroga, Roberto, M., Caldas, I. L., Viana, R. L., and Elskens, Y., Shaping the edge radial electric field to create shearless transport barriers in tokamaks, Fundamental Plasma Physics, vol. 6, p. 100023, 2023. (4.27 MB)
B. F. Bartoloni, Schelin, A. B., and Caldas, I. L., Shearless bifurcation on symplectic maps of magnetic field lines in tokamaks with reversed current, Physics Letters A, vol. 380, no. 31-32, pp. 2416 - 2421, 2016. (1.25 MB)
G. C. Grime, Roberto, M., Viana, R. L., Elskens, Y., and Caldas, I. L., Shearless bifurcations in particle transport for reversed-shear tokamaks, Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 89447, no. 1, 2023. (2.04 MB)
G. C. Grime, Roberto, M., Viana, R. L., Elskens, Y., and Caldas, I. L., Shearless curve breakup in the biquadratic nontwist map, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 172, 2023. (3.46 MB)
I. L. Caldas, Viana, R. L., Abud, C. V., da Fonseca, J. D., Guimarães-Filho, Z. O., Kroetz, T., Marcus, F. A., Schelin, A. B., Szezech, J. D., Toufen, D. L., Benkadda, S., Lopes, S. R., Morrison, P. J., Roberto, M., Gentle, K. W., Kuznetsov, Y. K., and Nascimento, I. C., Shearless transport barriers in magnetically confined plasmas, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 54, no. 12, p. 124035, 2012. (1.29 MB)
R. O. Medrano-T, Baptista, M. S., and Caldas, I. L., Shilnikov homoclinic orbit bifurcations in the Chua’s circuit, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 16, no. 4, p. 043119, 2006. (737.16 KB)
S. L. T. de Souza, Caldas, I. L., Viana, R. L., Balthazar, J. M., and Brasil, R. M. L. R. F., A simple feedback control for a chaotic oscillator with limited power supply, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 299, no. 3, pp. 664 - 671, 2007. (602.79 KB)
A. Marcos Batista, de Souza, S. L. T., Iarosz, K. C., Almeida, A. C. L., Jr, J. D. Szezech, Gabrick, E. C., Mugnaine, M., Santos, G. L. dos, and Caldas, I. L., Simulation of deterministic compartmental models for infectious diseases dynamics, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, vol. 43, p. e20210171, 2021. (5.04 MB)
R. R. Borges, Iarosz, K. C., Batista, A. Marcos, Caldas, I. L., Borges, F. S., and Lameu, E. L., Sincronização de disparos em redes neuronais com plasticidade sináptica, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 2310-1 - 2310-9, 2015. (2.45 MB)
M. A. Garms and Caldas, I. L., Síntese das Leis de Kepler, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, vol. 40, no. 2, p. e2316, 2018. (23.97 MB)
C. V. Abud and Caldas, I. L., On Slater’s criterion for the breakup of invariant curves, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 308, pp. 34 - 39, 2015. (1.05 MB)
T. F. Viscondi, Grigolo, A., Caldas, I. L., and Meneghini, J. R., Slippery-sticky transition of interfacial fluid slip, Physics of Fluids, vol. 332856165, no. 6, p. 062012, 2021. (877.45 KB)
A. S. Reis, Caldas, I. L., and Viana, R. L., Sobre vagalumes, pedestres e neurônios: a sincronização de osciladores de fase, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, vol. 44, p. e20210368, 2022. (843.71 KB)
M. S. Baptista and Caldas, I. L., SPIE ProceedingsControl of trajectories of the kicked logistic map, in SPIE's 1993 International Symposium on Optics, Imaging, and InstrumentationChaos/Nonlinear Dynamics: Methods and Commercialization, San Diego, CA, 1994. (3.09 MB)
R. R. Borges, Borges, F. S., Lameu, E. L., Batista, A. Marcos, Iarosz, K. C., Caldas, I. L., Antonopoulos, C. G., and Baptista, M. S., Spike timing-dependent plasticity induces non-trivial topology in the brain, Neural Networks, vol. 88, pp. 58 - 64, 2017. (1.56 MB)
M. S. Santos, Protachevicz, P. R., Iarosz, K. C., Caldas, I. L., Viana, R. L., Borges, F. S., Ren, H. - P., Szezech, J. D., Batista, A. Marcos, and Grebogi, C., Spike-burst chimera states in an adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuronal network, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 295, no. 4, p. 043106, 2019. (9.25 MB)
M. S. Santos, Protachevicz, P. R., Caldas, I. L., Iarosz, K. C., Viana, R. L., Jr, J. D. Szezech, de Souza, S. L. T., and Batista, A. Marcos, Spiral wave chimera states in regular and fractal neuronal networks, Journal of Physics: Complexity, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 015006, 2021. (1.48 MB)
T. Kroetz, Livorati, J. L. P., Leonel, E. D., and Caldas, I. L., Springer Proceedings in PhysicsNonlinear Dynamics: Materials, Theory and ExperimentsHidden High Period Accelerator Modes in a Bouncer Model, vol. 173. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 179 - 191. (535.83 KB)
E. F. Manffra, Caldas, I. L., and Viana, R. L., Stabilizing periodic orbits in a chaotic semiconductor laser, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 327 - 341, 2003. (1.55 MB)
M. C. de Sousa, Steffens, F. M., Pakter, R., and Rizzato, F. B., Standard map in magnetized relativistic systems: Fixed points and regular acceleration, Physical Review E, vol. 82, no. 2, p. 026402, 2010. (265 KB)
F. G. Souza, Grime, G., and Caldas, I. L., Standard twist and non-twist maps, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, vol. 453, 2023. (8.81 MB)
E. S. Medeiros, Medrano-T, R. O., Caldas, I. L., Tél, T., and Feudel, U., State-dependent vulnerability of synchronization, Physical Review E, vol. 100, no. 5, 2019. (1.15 MB)
A. L. P. Livorati, Dettmann, C. P., Caldas, I. L., and Leonel, E. D., On the statistical and transport properties of a non-dissipative Fermi-Ulam model, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 25, no. 10, p. 103107, 2015. (2.46 MB)
M. Hansen, da Costa, D. Ricardo, Caldas, I. L., and Leonel, E. D., Statistical properties for an open oval billiard: An investigation of the escaping basins, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 106, pp. 355 - 362, 2018. (7.99 MB)
F. A. C. Pereira, Sokolov, I. M., Toufen, D. L., Guimarães-Filho, Z. O., Caldas, I. L., and Gentle, K. W., Statistical properties of intermittent bursts in the Texas Helimak, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 26, no. 5, p. 052301, 2019. (1023.19 KB)
