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L. C. Souza, Sales, M. R., Mugnaine, M., Szezech, J. D., Caldas, I. L., and Viana, R. L., Chaotic escape of impurities and sticky orbits in toroidal plasmas, Physical Review E, vol. 109, no. 1, 2024. (7.38 MB)
R. L. Viana, Mathias, A. C., Souza, L. C., and Haerter, P., Fractal structures in the chaotic advection of passive scalars in leaky planar hydrodynamical flows, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, no. 5, 2024. (75.02 KB)
E. C. Gabrick, Brugnago, E. L., de Souza, S. L. T., Iarosz, K. C., Szezech, J. D., Viana, R. L., Caldas, I. L., Batista, A. M., and Kurths, ürgen, Impact of periodic vaccination in SEIRS seasonal model, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, no. 1, 2024. (3.96 MB)
M. Mugnaine, Leal, B. B., Caldas, I. L., de Almeida, A. M. Ozorio, and Viana, R. L., Isochronous bifurcations in a two-parameter twist map, Physical Review E, vol. 110, no. 2, 2024. (1.61 MB)
B. B. Leal, Caldas, I. L., de Sousa, M. C., Viana, R. L., and de Almeida, A. M. Ozorio, Isochronous island bifurcations driven by resonant magnetic perturbations in tokamaks, Physical Review E, vol. 109, no. 1, 2024. (6.49 MB)
M. Rolim Sales, Borin, D., de Souza, L. Costa, J Jr., D. Szezech, Viana, R. Luiz, I Caldas, L., and Leonel, E. Denis, Ratchet current and scaling properties in a nontwist mapping, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, no. 123333100725163420409–10252–41979058991181553a4531323613433231, p. 115614, 2024. (4.01 MB)
M. Mugnaine, Caldas, I. L., Szezech, J. D., Viana, R. L., and Morrison, P. J., Shearless effective barriers to chaotic transport induced by even twin islands in nontwist systems, Physical Review E, vol. 110, no. 4, 2024. (2.02 MB)
D. L. M. Souza, Borges, F. S., Gabrick, E. C., Bentivoglio, L. E., Protachevicz, P. R., Santos, Vdos, Viana, R. L., Caldas, I. L., Iarosz, K. C., Batista, A. M., and Kurths, J., Spiral wave dynamics in a neuronal network modelAbstract, Journal of Physics: Complexity, no. 2, p. 025010, 2024. (229.07 KB)
P. Haerter, de Souza, L. C., Mathias, A. C., Viana, R. L., and Caldas, I. L., Basin Entropy and Wada Property of Magnetic Field Line Escape in Toroidal Plasmas with Reversed Shear, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 33, no. 09, 2023. (14.09 MB)
G. Grime, Roberto, M., Viana, R. L., Elskens, Y., and Caldas, I. L., Biquadratic nontwist map: a model for shearless bifurcations, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 169, p. 113231, 2023. (3.14 MB)
S. R. Baroni, R. de Carvalho, E., Caldas, I. L., Viana, R. L., and Morrison, P. J., Chaotic saddles and interior crises in a dissipative nontwist system, Physical Review E, vol. 107, no. 2, 2023. (10.37 MB)
R. L. Viana and Caldas, I. L., Contribuições pioneiras à Física de Plasmas no Brasil, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, vol. 45, 2023. (8.34 MB)
A. S. Reis, Brugnago, E. L., Viana, R. L., Batista, A. M., Iarosz, K. C., and Caldas, I. L., Effects of feedback control in small-world neuronal networks interconnected according to a human connectivity map, Neurocomputing, vol. 518, p. 321 , 2023. (4.85 MB)
V. H. A. Fávaro, Gabrick, E. C., Batista, A. M., Caldas, I. L., and Viana, R. L., Epidemiological model based on networks with non-local coupling, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 177, p. 114256, 2023. (2.72 MB)
L. A. Osorio-Quiroga, Grime, G. C., Roberto, M., Viana, R. L., Elskens, Y., and Caldas, I. L., ExB Drift Particle Transport in Tokamaks, Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 53, 2023. (4 MB)
L. C. Souza, Mathias, A. C., Caldas, I. L., Elskens, Y., and Viana, R. L., Fractal and Wada escape basins in the chaotic particle drift motion in tokamaks with electrostatic fluctuations, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 33, no. 8, 2023. (7.63 MB)
A. C. Mathias, Souza, L. C., Schelin, A. R., Caldas, I. L., and Viana, R. L., Fractal Escape Basins for Magnetic Field Lines in Fusion Plasma Devices, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 723 - 738, 2023. (1.43 MB)
E. C. Gabrick, Sales, M. R., Sayari, E., Trobia, J., Lenzi, E. K., Borges, F. S., Szezech, J. D., Iarosz, K. C., Viana, R. L., Caldas, I. L., and Batista, A. M., Fractional Dynamics and Recurrence Analysis in Cancer Model, Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 53, no. 145, pp. 1-11, 2023. (7.56 MB)
R. L. Viana, Mugnaine, M., and Caldas, I. L., Hamiltonian description for magnetic field lines in fusion plasmas: A tutorial, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 30, no. 9, p. 090901, 2023. (1.64 MB)
E. L. Brugnago, Gabrick, E. C., Iarosz, K. C., Szezech, J. D., Viana, R. L., Batista, A. M., and Caldas, I. L., Multistability and chaos in SEIRS epidemic model with a periodic time-dependent transmission rate, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 33, no. 12, p. 123123, 2023. (5.61 MB)
M. Mugnaine, Caldas, I. L., Szezech, J. D., and Viana, R. L., Nontwist field line mapping in a tokamak with ergodic magnetic limiter, Physical Review E, vol. 108, no. 5, p. 055206, 2023. (1.7 MB)
A. S. Reis, Brugnago, E. L., Viana, R. L., Batista, A. M., Iarosz, K. C., Ferrari, F. A. S., and Caldas, I. L., The role of the fitness model in the suppression of neuronal synchronous behavior with three-stage switching control in clustered networks, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 167, p. 113122, 2023. (2.04 MB)
L. A. Osorio-Quiroga, Roberto, M., Caldas, I. L., Viana, R. L., and Elskens, Y., Shaping the edge radial electric field to create shearless transport barriers in tokamaks, Fundamental Plasma Physics, vol. 6, p. 100023, 2023. (4.27 MB)
G. C. Grime, Roberto, M., Viana, R. L., Elskens, Y., and Caldas, I. L., Shearless bifurcations in particle transport for reversed-shear tokamaks, Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 89447, no. 1, 2023. (2.04 MB)
G. C. Grime, Roberto, M., Viana, R. L., Elskens, Y., and Caldas, I. L., Shearless curve breakup in the biquadratic nontwist map, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 172, 2023. (3.46 MB)
